Episode 4: Casual Ableism talks accessible travel with Wheely Braw

In this episode we are joined by accessible travel blogger Helen Leer-Grant, from Wheely Braw accessible travel blog, and co-founder of Accessible Holidays Scotland. In this episode we talk all things accessible travel. The ableist experiences, the green flags for inclusive travel and tips on how to plan your accessible trip.
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Episode no. 4

Casual Ableism talks...Accessible travel with Wheely Braw

Intro of podcast here

Episode transcript

Laura and Helen:

00:00:28:03 – 00:00:30:00
Hi. Hi, Laura.

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How are you?

00:00:31:15 – 00:00:33:11
I’m good, thank you. How are you?

00:00:33:11 – 00:00:34:04
Good, thanks.

00:00:34:04 – 00:00:37:00
Thank you for joining today.

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It’s really great to to chat to you.

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And I’m really keen for this episode

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to thank you so much for reaching out and wanting to come on the podcast.

00:00:45:08 – 00:00:46:24
Yeah, thanks for having me.

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It’s really good to talk about this stuff.

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Um, yeah, it’s a really important topic.

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I think the fact that what you’re doing with your blog

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and everything is just so, so great.

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And I think that it’s something that, you know, is for all of us all to travel.

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All of us want to go places.

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And I think that it’s just really good to highlight the positives as well.

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As, you know, not just about the business

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of the industry, but also the positives of places

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that are doing it right and of ways that people are actually

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you know, people actually are wanting to make that their venue accessible.

00:01:13:17 – 00:01:14:18
So thank you.

00:01:14:18 – 00:01:18:16
So I you do a bit of I would like podcast introductions,

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00:01:21:03 – 00:01:23:13
Helen Lear-Grant from ‘Wheely Braw’

00:01:23:13 – 00:01:25:01
Thank you so much for joining us today.

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Can you introduce yourself a bit. Tell us

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who you are, what you do and what inspired you

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to start your blog?

00:01:33:18 – 00:01:35:10
Well, as you said, I’m Helen Lear-Grant

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and I have a blog called ‘Wheely Braw’

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I also do some content creation on Instagram.

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And I live in Scotland and I’m originally from England,

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moved up here ten years ago and actually fell in love with it

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and shortly after I became disabled

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and I, I love traveling.

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It’s something that I’ve always done

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and I missed it and really wanted to get back to it.

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So when my wife had a birthday coming up,

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we thought, Let’s go to the Outer Hebrides to celebrate.

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So yeah, let’s pick one of the most remote places in Scotland

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and just and try that.

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And after weeks of

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phone calls and emails and, you know, scrolling through websites,

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trying to find accessibility information and coming up with not a lot,

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I just threw my hands up in the air and said, let’s just go.

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Let’s just go and see what it’s like

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and why don’t we film it for a laugh and see what happens?

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I think thinking that we feel

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that we’d look at it ourselves, have a giggle, and not do anything with it.

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But I’ve popped up on YouTube and shortly afterwards

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got some emails from people saying, Thank you so much.

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You know,

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I was planning on going to the Hebrides for my honeymoon, but didn’t know if it was possible.

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Now I know it is.

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And when you hear things like that, you think,

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okay, it’s not just me who needs this.

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It’s it’s other the people.

00:03:02:01 – 00:03:06:11
So I started blogging and making YouTube videos,

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and then the Instagram stuff came along shortly afterwards.

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That’s really interesting and it’s actually, those experiences when you do

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share something that you think only of yourself and then you find that so many people

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relate to it and you’re like, wow, actually this could be something.

00:03:22:16 – 00:03:27:13
Something similar with Casual Ableism for me I started it because I wanted to do and to like express

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these ableist experiences that I had and I hadn’t done anything about.

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And then actually I posted some things and then everyone else was like, Oh,

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this happened to me, this happened to me.

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And that how it turned into what it is today with other people

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sharing their stories, not me sharing my stories.

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And it’s the same,

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I think it just goes

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and then you realize there’s a bigger purpose,

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what you’re doing, and especially something that you love doing.

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And I think like you say, the Hebrides is such an iconic place as well.

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So it was also like a great place to start off with because so many people

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probably think, Well, yeah, I would love to go to that, but don’t know.

00:03:58:18 – 00:04:01:18
I think that’s also a the issue is that websites,

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whether it’s Airbnb, it’s Booking.com, whether it’s individual

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company venues, websites,

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they don’t necessarily always have the accessibility statement do they?

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00:04:13:20 – 00:04:16:23
So I think that’s also a really big issue.

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And it means that we have to put

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so much more into a planning our trips than someone who isn’t disabled

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because we have to like, phone them up personally.

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We have to send the emails, chase them, and it means you have to

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start your planning so long in advance.

00:04:31:02 – 00:04:32:19
Yeah, I completely agree with that.

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And I think that’s what I wanted to do with this really was

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hopefully take some of that planning and research out of it for other people.

00:04:42:03 – 00:04:47:01
Okay, here’s a venue I can go to and I can do this and this and this.

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I know what to expect in terms of accessibility and at the same time

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feedback to the to the venue or to the accommodation or whatever.

00:04:56:20 – 00:05:00:13
I would say like this is, this is the information I’ve provided.

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But it would be really useful

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if you provided that on your website as well, because,

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you know, I, I miss spontaneity.

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I’ve, I use,

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I like I traveled around in a van in Australia for a couple of years

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and it was very much like, “where shall I go today?”

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you know, this is all pre disability.

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So it was so easy.

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You just go places and you know, you don’t think about it.

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You don’t have to consider what if I get there and x, y, z?

00:05:27:24 – 00:05:29:04
Yeah, exactly.

00:05:29:04 – 00:05:33:02
And you know, obviously on Instagram and I’ll see it, this beautiful place

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and like, Oh, I’d love to go stay in that accommodation and then I have to go.

00:05:36:09 – 00:05:39:04
All right, But is that accessible? Onto the website…

00:05:39:04 – 00:05:41:02
No information sends an email.

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And you know,

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I’ve realized over time as well, you have to get really specific in your emails.

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You can’t say like, you know, oh, are you wheelchair accessible?

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Because, you know, I can learn and just be guided along as well,

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You know, about disability and accessibility as somebody who

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who has an acquired disability, you know, I’ve been learning and I still am.

00:06:00:16 – 00:06:03:22
And a yeah, I’ve realized that in those emails

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I have to say, you know, I ask what’s your entrance like?

00:06:08:09 – 00:06:08:23
There have been places, that are like

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Oh yeah, we’re wheelchair accessible.

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And then you get there and there’s no wheelchair accessible toilets.

00:06:13:02 – 00:06:15:21
And now I’m like, Are you wheelchaor Accessible?

00:06:15:21 – 00:06:18:16
You know, how are your doors, do you have an accessible toilet?

00:06:18:16 – 00:06:22:12
And it’s just like most of the questions I’ve honed it down to like a copy

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and paste email. Yeah, yeah.

00:06:25:23 – 00:06:29:07
I also a good point is other people, or someone who isn’t disabled,

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their perception of accessibility is just like a box tick, like check box.

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We have around or you know, but actually if people are writing

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disability statements about their accommodation or venue,

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and haven’t got a disability then they don’t necessarily actually know.

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What’s actually important like is the tiniest thing of is that is the doorway

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wide enough exactly, or the toilet accessible, is the basin and too high too low?

00:06:55:05 – 00:06:56:16
I think that’s also what’s really good about what you’re doing,

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is that you’re actually somebody who is disabled writing these things.

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So you actually have that first hand experience.

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And you know what’s important and what you need

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and so therefore what someone else might need.

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So you’re able to actually write honestly and genuinely write these things,

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not just yeah, it’s accessible, there’s a ramp, maybe a step or two as well.

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But yeah, you can get in the building,

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but then once in the building you actually can’t go any farther, you know.

00:07:21:03 – 00:07:23:04
So that’s also important is to have,

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you know, they have people who actually are disabled

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even in the bigger companies like can, you know, hotel companies

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or other big travel companies or accommodations that can actually like

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have that first hand experience that kind of like just helps the way that it’s written

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and the understanding.

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Because unless you actually live

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with a disability, whether it’s through yourself

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or through a family member who has a disability, you don’t actually know exactly

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about the infinite and the exact things do you?

00:07:51:06 – 00:07:52:05
No, you don’t.

00:07:52:05 – 00:07:55:07
And even, you know, I’m I’m always careful to say as well I’m

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writing about this from my experience as a manual wheelchair user.

00:08:00:23 – 00:08:05:04
And yeah, I can stand and walk a little about, but tend not to

00:08:05:04 – 00:08:10:03
when I’m out about in new places to avoid risking a fall if I do.

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And so most people say that and I always encourage

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other disabled people to do what I’m doing.

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Go out, write blogs, go stay places because, you know, disability is so varied,

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And, you know, the more people write about it and their experience, the better.

00:08:28:03 – 00:08:30:17
You know, one thing I think of is

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I presume you know of

00:08:32:02 – 00:08:35:14
Simply Emma, I yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:08:35:15 – 00:08:36:17
She’s fantastic.

00:08:36:17 – 00:08:40:09
And, you know, quite often we find that we end up going to the same places

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and both based in Scotland

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and but it’s great because you have, you know, my,

00:08:47:14 – 00:08:51:19
my version of how did I get on here, my manual wheelchair and then Emma like,

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how did she get on with her powerchair?

00:08:53:22 – 00:08:57:06
How did it meet her needs or not? You know, so

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the more of us doing in this, the better.

00:09:00:15 – 00:09:03:09
And yeah, I think it is important, definitely.

00:09:03:09 – 00:09:05:24
I think also on that note about using you using a manual wheelchair and

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Emma uses a power wheelchair, and I use a mobility scooter.

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So those are three mobility aid, very different.

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And their capabilities in themselves are very different.

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Like a manual wheelchair, you can just shove it up a ramp,

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you know, you can just get someone to shove you up a ramp,

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or drop you over a step, whereas a power chair or mobility

00:09:26:04 – 00:09:29:11
scooter is less, there are more restrictions.

00:09:29:11 – 00:09:33:14
And you know, level of incline for my mobility scooter if something is too steep,

00:09:33:14 – 00:09:34:23
it just doesn’t stop.

00:09:34:23 – 00:09:37:24
I go zooming down a hill and that’s terrifying, you know?

00:09:37:24 – 00:09:39:16
Yeah, there’s no break to it.

00:09:39:16 – 00:09:44:07
So they people think of, you know, someone who’s disabled, in a wheelchair.

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So therefore it’s one type of mobility aid,

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right ‘tick box’ because it works for a certain wheelchair

00:09:49:15 – 00:09:52:04
fine. As you say, like what it was for.

00:09:52:04 – 00:09:55:15
But Emma, when you go somewhere, to the same place, it is very interesting.

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And I think that’s also why it is so important.

00:09:58:06 – 00:10:01:20
You people, to write your blog or even if you leave a review,

00:10:01:20 – 00:10:05:18
if going to Airbnb or somewhere, just leave a review even

00:10:05:20 – 00:10:08:16
you don’t necessarily have to undergo the whole like writing a blog

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and everything, but just write a review and just say, This is how it was for me.

00:10:12:08 – 00:10:15:05
This is my mobility aid, and it will help people to say saves

00:10:15:05 – 00:10:17:22
the next person kind of having to go through the this

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just by the arriving and finding, oh, I can’t actually get it in or,

00:10:21:15 – 00:10:25:08
It’s going to save saved you having to phone up email and stuff like that.

00:10:25:08 – 00:10:28:08
So I think it’s really good and it’s fun as well.

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You know, traveling and then you’re,

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using those experiences as a benefit of help the next person.

00:10:33:08 – 00:10:34:05
Yeah, absolutely.

00:10:34:05 – 00:10:38:15
And that’s why sites like Euan’s Guide are really good

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as a really good place to

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leave reviews and even I find TripAdvisor.

00:10:43:14 – 00:10:45:19
There’s a little search box and I go in and type

00:10:45:19 – 00:10:50:02
wheelchair or accessibility or whatever and see what comes up.

00:10:50:02 – 00:10:53:07
And so I think they can be quite helpful to leave

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leave reviews on on various sites, You know, so you’ve got the energy and

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and and you’ve got the time to do that, then, yeah, this is very, very helpful.

00:11:01:13 – 00:11:08:08
I’ve found other people’s reviews to be more valuable than

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websites from businesses and things like that.

00:11:10:05 – 00:11:14:19
So although that’s an app that says response to you know, Yes, yeah,

00:11:14:24 – 00:11:18:20
I think even I find places where I’ve been could have been doing some conferences

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and I was asking the organizers, you know, and it was a combination,

00:11:22:15 – 00:11:26:08
but it’s so similar of, you know, is there is there a lift?

00:11:26:10 – 00:11:27:10
Is there a ramp?

00:11:27:10 – 00:11:28:14
And they actually sent me photos.

00:11:28:14 – 00:11:30:12
This is the lift is the lift size.

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This is a photo of the ramp.

00:11:31:19 – 00:11:34:09
And even like that is just like so reassuring because,

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you know, they say we’ve got a lift a ramp.

00:11:37:22 – 00:11:39:06
Like, how steep is it?

00:11:39:06 – 00:11:43:22
How big is the lift, you know, and what sort of lift is it, like when you hold

00:11:43:22 – 00:11:47:08
the button down all the way up, you know, that sort of thing.

00:11:47:10 – 00:11:51:03
And so even people who take the time to send photos

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of their venue, of their accommodation, you’re like, Yeah, there is a tiny step.

00:11:54:21 – 00:11:57:20
This is a photo of it, but this is how it like tall it is.

00:11:57:20 – 00:11:58:20
Would that be okay?

00:11:58:20 – 00:12:00:18
But this is just being transparent and upfront.

00:12:00:18 – 00:12:03:20
So when you arrive, you’re not like, okay, one minute.

00:12:03:20 – 00:12:05:06
I was not expecting that

00:12:05:06 – 00:12:08:06
because that was also a lot of that you are met with confrontation,

00:12:08:07 – 00:12:11:21
aren’t you in your holiday you’re going to is a really nice,

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you know, a birthday celebration or just a like a holiday

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and you arrive in a holiday mood and then

00:12:18:12 – 00:12:19:16
now what do I do?

00:12:19:16 – 00:12:21:15
And that’s taking away that like confrontation.

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And it was actually like, you don’t have to battle with the host

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or the owner of like and you didn’t tell me this or, you know,

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what am I supposed to do after you’ve been how many miles to get here?

00:12:31:17 – 00:12:34:09
So I think that’s also like a really good point.

00:12:34:09 – 00:12:37:09
Yeah, I think having that confrontation is,

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you know, immediately stop saying attack.

00:12:40:13 – 00:12:42:21
So if to say you’re in the holiday mood and then, Yeah,

00:12:42:21 – 00:12:44:04
oh God, what do you do now?

00:12:44:04 – 00:12:45:18
And I think there’s a lot of pressure as well

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to be like the good disabled person and not be too confrontational.

00:12:48:19 – 00:12:52:05
I’ll not be too awkward, you know, say like, how am I going to compose

00:12:52:05 – 00:12:53:01
myself here?

00:12:53:01 – 00:12:55:10
How am I going to, you know, how we’re going to do this?

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And, you know,

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I’ve had

00:12:58:07 – 00:13:02:00
issues when I’ve arrived, nothing really significant, but

00:13:02:05 – 00:13:05:05
I’ve had issues when I’ve arrived and the responses have been different.

00:13:05:07 – 00:13:09:14
You know, some of the responses have been, you know, that I’m really sorry.

00:13:09:14 – 00:13:11:04
Let’s see what we can do to sort this.

00:13:11:04 – 00:13:13:18
And I think that’s great.

00:13:13:18 – 00:13:19:05
But that’s been sort of where it’s kind of like, oh,

00:13:19:07 – 00:13:21:24
I don’t know what to do.

00:13:21:24 – 00:13:25:03
So yeah, yeah, you have.

00:13:25:03 – 00:13:27:14
I mean, it’s, you know you work here, it’s not up to me.

00:13:27:14 – 00:13:32:14
No, I think you never you never want to have to feel like Oh, pushing like you’re

00:13:32:16 – 00:13:36:01
trying to kind of get what you rightly should be able to deserve and.

00:13:36:02 – 00:13:36:12

00:13:36:12 – 00:13:39:12
You just don’t want to kind of be, Oh, hey, you know what?

00:13:39:12 – 00:13:42:10
I think that the attitude you are met with.

00:13:42:10 – 00:13:44:22
If you’re met with somebody who’s like, Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry.

00:13:44:22 – 00:13:47:05
What can we do then? Now it’s fine.

00:13:47:05 – 00:13:50:05
But what do you about those people who are that are the training or awareness

00:13:50:05 – 00:13:52:15
as long as they might people without said hotels

00:13:52:15 – 00:13:54:21
or like bigger venues where it’s not just the owner

00:13:54:21 – 00:13:58:04
that they are or other training or the oh, the awareness

00:13:58:04 – 00:14:02:06
what someone with a disability might need or how to even deal with situation

00:14:02:08 – 00:14:02:16
and that.

00:14:02:16 – 00:14:05:22
So it’s a really important big a bigger companies or bigger holiday

00:14:05:22 – 00:14:10:19
resorts or bigger complexes, probably should maybe have

00:14:10:21 – 00:14:13:05
I guess if you have disabled people to stay more often than you bring more awareness,

00:14:13:05 – 00:14:15:01
more aware of and more exposed to it.

00:14:15:01 – 00:14:17:17
But that’s another thing is that attitude

00:14:17:17 – 00:14:21:08
and that training or awareness is of like, okay, well let’s find a solution to this.

00:14:21:10 – 00:14:22:13
You know, just give me a minute.

00:14:22:13 – 00:14:27:01
You know, here’s a free drink while you wait, I’m going to sort it out.

00:14:27:03 – 00:14:27:15

00:14:27:15 – 00:14:28:17

00:14:28:17 – 00:14:30:14
I think because, well, often you get the oh well,

00:14:30:14 – 00:14:32:17
you know, we don’t get many disabled people here.

00:14:32:17 – 00:14:35:12
And I’m like, well, I wonder why.

00:14:35:12 – 00:14:38:05
And just because you’ve never had someone before

00:14:38:05 – 00:14:39:09
doesn’t mean

00:14:39:09 – 00:14:43:09
You shouldn’t have the wherewithal and the accommodations to be able to

00:14:43:09 – 00:14:45:00
then accommodate somebody with disability

00:14:45:00 – 00:14:47:22
just because people don’t normally come there that are disabled?

00:14:47:22 – 00:14:50:05
Doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get somebody disabled

00:14:50:05 – 00:14:51:04
and you shouldn’t

00:14:51:04 – 00:14:53:16
think, well, in ten years you’ve never had someone in a wheelchair,

00:14:53:16 – 00:14:55:02
So therefore you don’t need to worry about it.

00:14:55:02 – 00:14:56:13
It shouldn’t be about that.

00:14:56:13 – 00:14:58:11
It should be about if someone does arrive in a wheelchair

00:14:58:11 – 00:15:01:14
or with a mobility aid or with a visual impairment or any

00:15:01:14 – 00:15:05:13
form of disability, then we can do it much more the world to adjust.

00:15:05:13 – 00:15:09:07
But yeah, we can do it and it’s that open minded attitude.

00:15:09:09 – 00:15:11:24
And there are always going to be places that don’t necessarily

00:15:11:24 – 00:15:15:15
have that mentality, but hopefully the majority would.

00:15:15:15 – 00:15:18:22
So in your experience, have you kind of I’m not saying name names,

00:15:18:22 – 00:15:22:04
but have you experienced ableist or

00:15:22:06 – 00:15:26:21
inaccessible accommodation when you’ve been traveling?

00:15:26:23 – 00:15:29:01
Yeah, absolutely.

00:15:29:01 – 00:15:33:01
I, I find the individual,

00:15:33:01 – 00:15:36:03
you know, small, small scale businesses are the best.

00:15:36:03 – 00:15:39:10
You know, because you’re dealing you’re very human.

00:15:39:10 – 00:15:43:12
You’re dealing with a human being who has usually invited

00:15:43:12 – 00:15:46:24
you along to to kind of say what can we do?

00:15:46:24 – 00:15:48:19
And I’m looking for your input.

00:15:48:19 – 00:15:53:18
And that that can be a really good conversation to have.

00:15:53:20 – 00:15:58:09
But I’ve had incidents with with hotels.

00:15:58:11 – 00:15:59:06
This is awful.

00:15:59:06 – 00:16:02:03
But pretty much I think every wheelchair user will know what I mean

00:16:02:03 – 00:16:05:09
When I’ve had the goods lift experience or the bin

00:16:05:09 – 00:16:09:24
lift experiences where you know, you when you arrive at a hotel,

00:16:10:01 – 00:16:12:15
you want that experience of going into the reception.

00:16:12:15 – 00:16:14:21
And receptions are always beautiful.

00:16:14:21 – 00:16:18:11
And you know, you’re very welcome and and that’s part

00:16:18:11 – 00:16:22:17
of the experience rather than the Oh sorry.

00:16:22:17 – 00:16:25:24
We’ll have to take you round the back where the bins are.

00:16:26:01 – 00:16:28:09
The, you know, the bin lift, the goods lift.

00:16:28:09 – 00:16:32:21
That is immediately saying that you’re not deserving of the experience.

00:16:32:23 – 00:16:35:07
No. Not the ‘normal guests’

00:16:35:07 – 00:16:36:07
Yes, exactly.

00:16:36:07 – 00:16:39:21
And if you asked any of the guests to do that, can you imagine

00:16:39:21 – 00:16:43:08
the uproar and the reviews and everyone

00:16:43:13 – 00:16:46:17
everyone would think that they were justified in in

00:16:46:22 – 00:16:48:21
leaving a terrible review because they were made to go

00:16:48:21 – 00:16:50:22
because up the goods lift, but the disabled person.

00:16:50:22 – 00:16:53:22
If you leave a review saying it was awful, I had to go in

00:16:54:01 – 00:16:55:10
the goods lift or the bins lift

00:16:55:10 – 00:17:00:22
everyone’s like, Well, well, you know, they did what they could, you know.

00:17:00:24 – 00:17:04:04
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:17:04:06 – 00:17:06:24
There was one hotel where

00:17:06:24 – 00:17:09:05
it’s very awkward to get to the reception,

00:17:09:05 – 00:17:11:17
their car park and we had lifts again

00:17:11:17 – 00:17:15:20
and then the reception in the end and the booking.

00:17:15:20 – 00:17:19:20
So I was with my wife and my wife had the two dogs and the,

00:17:19:20 – 00:17:24:17
and the cases and the booking was in my name to the reception.

00:17:24:20 – 00:17:28:09
to the lowered desk

00:17:28:11 – 00:17:29:24
You usually have to sign and stuff

00:17:29:24 – 00:17:32:16
so they have a lower desk

00:17:32:16 – 00:17:36:17
and the receptionist just ignored me and said to my wife.

00:17:36:17 – 00:17:38:10
Oh hi, welcome.

00:17:38:10 – 00:17:40:06
And what name is the booking?

00:17:40:06 – 00:17:42:17
And so I kind of leaned round.

00:17:42:17 – 00:17:44:14
Well, yeah,

00:17:44:14 – 00:17:47:12
I thought maybe she hadn’t seen me because there was a computer.

00:17:47:12 – 00:17:50:11
So although they had a lower desk, it was all like piled up with stuff

00:17:50:11 – 00:17:53:22
and there was like computers blocking the view

00:17:54:02 – 00:17:57:07
So I kind of wheeled to the, to the standard desk

00:17:57:09 – 00:18:02:01
and, and I said, Oh, hi, my name is well,

00:18:02:03 – 00:18:04:21
I’ve booked in. And

00:18:04:21 – 00:18:06:05
she just ignored me

00:18:06:05 – 00:18:09:14
and said to Kirsty, Right, okay, I just need you to fill out

00:18:09:14 – 00:18:13:09
this form, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, and Kirsty’s there with the dogs.

00:18:13:09 – 00:18:16:20
And the case is she doesn’t have a free hand that I’m there, you know?

00:18:16:22 – 00:18:19:14
And so

00:18:19:14 – 00:18:23:15
Kirsty just passed me the form and I took it to the bit of desk

00:18:23:17 – 00:18:27:22
and I was filling out and I said, All right, we also validate your parking

00:18:27:24 – 00:18:31:05
again, talking to Kirtsy, to validate your parking and we need your

00:18:31:07 – 00:18:32:24
we need your reg plate.

00:18:32:24 – 00:18:35:19
And she went “it’s not my car”

00:18:35:19 – 00:18:37:03
passed it to me.

00:18:37:03 – 00:18:41:05
And this whole time it was in the end Kirsty had to walk away.

00:18:41:07 – 00:18:44:07
And that was the only way to get her to talk to you.

00:18:44:13 – 00:18:45:07
Yeah, Yeah.

00:18:45:07 – 00:18:49:01
That was the only way to get the receptionist to talk to me was

00:18:49:03 – 00:18:51:00
for Kirsty to walk away.

00:18:51:00 – 00:18:54:02
And and in the end I got it all sorted.

00:18:54:02 – 00:19:00:17
But I, you know, it’s made me, I’m quite a resilient person right.

00:19:00:19 – 00:19:01:20
It really just

00:19:01:20 – 00:19:07:04
made me feel invisible and I thought, wow, like

00:19:07:06 – 00:19:08:24
out of Kirsty and I in our marriage.

00:19:08:24 – 00:19:10:04
I am the organizer.

00:19:10:04 – 00:19:13:04
I am the planner

00:19:13:04 – 00:19:14:20
of my

00:19:14:20 – 00:19:16:00

00:19:16:00 – 00:19:16:21
Yeah. Yeah.

00:19:16:21 – 00:19:19:13
So when I go and after all this organizing of this plan

00:19:19:13 – 00:19:23:03
and then I turn up and I’m ignored, it’s like,

00:19:23:05 – 00:19:26:20
yeah, it really it knocked me a bit.

00:19:26:22 – 00:19:27:18

00:19:27:18 – 00:19:29:23
But I think also the fact that often,

00:19:29:23 – 00:19:33:06
very often it happens that someone turns to someone you’re with and not you,

00:19:33:11 – 00:19:35:11
and then they get the message and then they talk to you.

00:19:35:11 – 00:19:38:21
But the thought that you actually continue to ignore you,

00:19:38:21 – 00:19:40:21
even though you’ve made it obvious that actually

00:19:40:21 – 00:19:42:18
you were the one in charge in that situation.

00:19:42:18 – 00:19:43:06

00:19:43:06 – 00:19:46:06
Just, you know that even if you’re prepared for it

00:19:46:06 – 00:19:50:01
or you’re, you know, used to happening, it still does hurt.

00:19:50:07 – 00:19:54:09
So it’s a bit like, okay, great, you spend your money on that.

00:19:54:12 – 00:19:55:22
You don’t feel like an equal.

00:19:55:22 – 00:19:59:04
It’s not yeah, it’s not the best, but. Oh

00:19:59:06 – 00:20:00:00
yeah, yeah.

00:20:00:00 – 00:20:03:07
I just what I think is like, how hard is it to see a human being

00:20:03:07 – 00:20:07:05
and just, like, interact with them as a human being, you know?

00:20:07:07 – 00:20:09:19
The booking must have had two people on it.

00:20:09:19 – 00:20:13:01
So if she was there then where’s other person then?

00:20:13:03 – 00:20:16:02
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a two people.

00:20:16:02 – 00:20:18:10
Yeah. It’s very, very strange.

00:20:18:10 – 00:20:21:22
And it’s also another thing I’ve experienced is that, you know,

00:20:21:24 – 00:20:25:02
you go to reception and say, Hi, I’m here, and they go, Oh, hang on a minute,

00:20:25:05 – 00:20:30:07
and they turn around and go “we’ve got a wheelchair”.

00:20:30:09 – 00:20:30:24
A wheelchair has arrived.

00:20:30:24 – 00:20:32:09

00:20:32:09 – 00:20:33:00
Yeah, yeah.

00:20:33:00 – 00:20:35:16
It’s like, did it just wheel itself in off the street.

00:20:35:16 – 00:20:39:13
What do we do with it?

00:20:39:15 – 00:20:40:06
It’s got no owner.

00:20:40:06 – 00:20:43:03
No, no. You know,

00:20:43:03 – 00:20:46:24
I’m literally sat in it. Hi.

00:20:47:01 – 00:20:49:01
Yeah, it happens in restaurants quite a bit as well.

00:20:49:01 – 00:20:51:04
Like, Oh, we’ve got a wheelchair, you know.

00:20:51:04 – 00:20:53:16
Can we not. Oh, jeez.

00:20:53:16 – 00:20:55:00
You know.

00:20:55:00 – 00:20:56:15
How ableist is that.

00:20:56:15 – 00:20:58:00
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:20:58:00 – 00:21:00:09
Do you mind letting the wheelchair through.

00:21:00:09 – 00:21:02:13
I can I come through as well please.

00:21:02:13 – 00:21:05:20
On it’s own or…?

00:21:05:22 – 00:21:08:02
You want me to sit on the floor?

00:21:08:02 – 00:21:10:08
Well, it will take us for a meal. Yeah.

00:21:10:08 – 00:21:12:06
So there’s,

00:21:12:06 – 00:21:14:09
you know, it’s, incidents like that.

00:21:14:09 – 00:21:18:17
And then on the on the flipside,

00:21:18:19 – 00:21:22:23
now, when I say things that I don’t want to feel like I’m setting

00:21:22:23 – 00:21:28:15
an impossible standard for people who work in the hospitality industry.

00:21:28:17 – 00:21:33:23
But there’s the flipside where people go over the top,

00:21:34:00 – 00:21:36:05
you know, and

00:21:36:05 – 00:21:39:00
I think, you know, I’m inclined to think, well,

00:21:39:00 – 00:21:41:04
it’s great that they’re making an effort,

00:21:41:06 – 00:21:43:08
you know, that that’s grand.

00:21:43:08 – 00:21:47:01
But when you have people who are like, oh, you see them interact

00:21:47:01 – 00:21:50:03
with everybody else and it’s like, oh, hi, you know what time are you booked at?

00:21:50:04 – 00:21:51:08
or what we said.

00:21:51:08 – 00:21:53:19
And then when you were, I was, Oh, hi, welcome.

00:21:53:19 – 00:21:55:09
I love how you’re dressed.

00:21:55:09 – 00:21:57:03

00:21:57:03 – 00:21:58:21
I mean, like, wow, this is.

00:21:58:21 – 00:22:01:15
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:22:01:15 – 00:22:04:23
You try really hard, but I would never leave

00:22:05:00 – 00:22:08:07
a negative review from that.

00:22:08:09 – 00:22:10:04
I don’t think so. People might.

00:22:10:04 – 00:22:13:04
And I think that would be justified because it is that, you know,

00:22:13:08 – 00:22:17:03
drawing attention to you and, you know, in a way that you might,

00:22:17:05 – 00:22:18:23
you just want to arrive and be treated

00:22:18:23 – 00:22:21:04
exactly the same as everybody else.

00:22:21:04 – 00:22:24:09
Yeah yeah but but yeah tend not to complain about it

00:22:24:09 – 00:22:25:23
because I feel like yeah you don’t want to set this

00:22:25:23 – 00:22:28:08
impossible standard of like oh well that’s,

00:22:28:08 – 00:22:32:11
that’s not being helpful enough and not being too helpful, you know,

00:22:32:13 – 00:22:35:23
because yeah, you don’t want to make it feel like it’s hard

00:22:35:23 – 00:22:37:03
for people to find that balance.

00:22:37:03 – 00:22:41:20
But I think really it’s just like see a human treat them as a human.

00:22:41:24 – 00:22:44:24
That’s really is as simple as it is.

00:22:44:24 – 00:22:49:05
But as you say, that comes down to training and particularly

00:22:49:05 – 00:22:54:10
with these bigger organizations, that should be standards, you know.

00:22:54:12 – 00:22:55:19
Yeah, you would have thought it would have been

00:22:55:19 – 00:22:57:19
you can understand how either a smaller

00:22:57:19 – 00:23:01:00
but it’s just I don’t know just by one owner or as a family

00:23:01:05 – 00:23:05:01
but especially when you have employees are part of that customer service training.

00:23:05:03 – 00:23:08:14
But even like before they get to the workplace, even if

00:23:08:16 – 00:23:11:12
when they are training for hospitality, if they go to hotel school

00:23:11:12 – 00:23:15:14
or if they, you know, do whatever sort of college course in hospitality,

00:23:15:16 – 00:23:20:01
maybe it should be even a that’s the beginning stage training.

00:23:20:01 – 00:23:23:12
This is how when you have a disabled guest or someone with a difference,

00:23:23:14 – 00:23:25:11
this is how it is and this is what they need

00:23:25:11 – 00:23:27:06
and this is how you deal with those situations.

00:23:27:06 – 00:23:30:09
And if you know they arrive and you haven’t got accessibility requirements

00:23:30:09 – 00:23:33:05
in place for them, then this is how you deal with it.

00:23:33:05 – 00:23:36:05
You don’t just kind of close down, and you don’t go overboard

00:23:36:10 – 00:23:38:19
With how you find the solution.

00:23:38:19 – 00:23:42:22
So it was even just at that very, very beginning stage trying to implement

00:23:42:24 – 00:23:45:16
that awareness and exposure.

00:23:45:18 – 00:23:46:08

00:23:46:08 – 00:23:50:19
I think even when I think about myself at school

00:23:50:21 – 00:23:54:16
and college and university, accessibility was never mentioned.

00:23:54:18 – 00:23:57:18
And any way at all.

00:23:57:22 – 00:24:01:21
I just have no concept of it.

00:24:01:23 – 00:24:03:20
You know, I was in that privileged position

00:24:03:20 – 00:24:08:02
to not have experienced it myself and and to be able

00:24:08:02 – 00:24:12:07
to move around the world freely without thinking about accessibility.

00:24:12:09 – 00:24:15:09
And it was only in maybe my first job,

00:24:15:15 – 00:24:20:02
I was working at a tourist attraction and they were fantastic.

00:24:20:02 – 00:24:23:07
That training was top notch, and that’s

00:24:23:07 – 00:24:26:15
when I started to see the world differently.

00:24:26:17 – 00:24:29:23
And see that it wasn’t equal

00:24:30:00 – 00:24:33:09
and that, you know, people were having different experiences

00:24:33:09 – 00:24:35:03
when they arrived at this tourist attraction

00:24:35:03 – 00:24:38:23
and how could we level that playing field, you know, So that was

00:24:38:23 – 00:24:44:03
I think even, you know, just yeah, it just needs to be

00:24:44:05 – 00:24:46:23
that in, you know,

00:24:46:23 – 00:24:49:23
I think it goes beyond, you know, just staff, but anyone who,

00:24:50:03 – 00:24:52:05
you know, whether it be friends or family or associates

00:24:52:05 – 00:24:55:07
who don’t necessarily realize what it is that you need.

00:24:55:07 – 00:24:58:09
If you even if you say you’re going out for a drink or go into the pub

00:24:58:10 – 00:25:02:14
a restaurant, they don’t necessarily even kind of think about hang on, if

00:25:02:14 – 00:25:04:12
They’re accessible,

00:25:04:12 – 00:25:07:04
and unless they’re a very close friend or

00:25:07:04 – 00:25:08:08
they always go out with you

00:25:08:08 – 00:25:11:19
then they would come to know like my friends are incredible, they would be like

00:25:11:22 – 00:25:14:22
suggest a place, don’t worry I know it’s got an accessible toilet, I know it’s

00:25:14:22 – 00:25:18:00
got a ramp and don’t worry, everything’s fine and it takes it away from me.

00:25:18:02 – 00:25:21:04
If I say to them, Hang on a minute, I need to phone up first and check it.

00:25:21:04 – 00:25:23:03
And it’s also like, Yeah, of course, whatever.

00:25:23:03 – 00:25:24:24
I think not just like takes the stress out of it.

00:25:24:24 – 00:25:28:05
It makes you feel less like you’re

00:25:28:07 – 00:25:28:17
kind of like

00:25:28:17 – 00:25:32:15
being an inconvenience or like you’re complicating the outing or making it a bit serious

00:25:32:19 – 00:25:34:11
then that’s really good,

00:25:34:11 – 00:25:37:22
So it’s not just about, I think, just like a human level

00:25:37:24 – 00:25:41:15
that to have that exposure to it and I think can’t expect someone working

00:25:41:15 – 00:25:45:03
in a hotel or an accommodation site

00:25:45:04 – 00:25:48:14
or an attraction to have that if they don’t have that in their real life.

00:25:48:14 – 00:25:52:11
So this whole thing about, you know, shifting society’s,

00:25:52:13 – 00:25:55:07
you know, mentality on disability and just, you know,

00:25:55:07 – 00:25:59:07
making it more of a open topic so that everyone is aware of it.

00:25:59:07 – 00:26:00:24
Now, you say a given for so many years

00:26:00:24 – 00:26:03:24
now without even realizing it because it was never talked about

00:26:04:05 – 00:26:06:06
and if I never talked about it, there’s going to be an issue.

00:26:06:06 – 00:26:09:10
It’s not a bad thing to talk about sort of, you know, a negative.

00:26:09:10 – 00:26:10:10
It’s not anything taboo.

00:26:10:10 – 00:26:13:06
It just needs to be open and then there won’t be these issues.

00:26:13:06 – 00:26:17:07
And I feel like you’re having to battle every time that you need to ask,

00:26:17:07 – 00:26:20:05
you know, is there a lift, is there a step or anything like that.

00:26:20:05 – 00:26:22:03
So it just goes even beyond that.

00:26:22:03 – 00:26:25:01
You know, you thought that niche.

00:26:25:03 – 00:26:26:16
Yeah, I agree.

00:26:26:16 – 00:26:27:09
I do agree.

00:26:27:09 – 00:26:31:09
And I think it’s really interesting, as you say, about when you going out

00:26:31:11 – 00:26:34:21
with friends and you

00:26:34:23 – 00:26:37:12
that’s, I’m the researcher I’m the planner or the organizer.

00:26:37:12 – 00:26:40:17
And when someone says, you know, like, all right, we’re going on a night out

00:26:40:17 – 00:26:43:18
and we’re going here, I just cease up I’m like, Oh,

00:26:43:18 – 00:26:47:10
all right, now, now I’m going to have to be awkward.

00:26:47:12 – 00:26:51:20
And it’s not awkward is not awkward in the slightest.

00:26:51:22 – 00:26:53:11
but it’s like now I have to be awkward.

00:26:53:11 – 00:26:59:00
Whereas recently I see a couple of new friends who I met on Instagram.

00:26:59:02 – 00:27:00:08
Pretty cool.

00:27:00:08 – 00:27:03:23
And they’re both able bodied. And,

00:27:04:00 – 00:27:07:18
you know, I’ve had the message and say like, Oh, let’s meet for coffee.

00:27:07:20 – 00:27:08:22
Yeah, great idea.

00:27:08:22 – 00:27:12:17
And they’ll say, Right, okay, give me, give me a couple of days.

00:27:12:17 – 00:27:14:22
I’ll find a somewhere accessible to go.

00:27:14:22 – 00:27:18:06
I was stunned. It’s like

00:27:18:08 – 00:27:18:20

00:27:18:20 – 00:27:19:20
Okay, yeah, cool.

00:27:19:20 – 00:27:23:15
And then they came back to me and said, Look, here’s a couple of options.

00:27:23:19 – 00:27:26:18
This is what the accessibility said on the website here.

00:27:26:18 – 00:27:29:16
You know that Access guide, whatever this is, it’s

00:27:29:16 – 00:27:31:14
just do either of those suit you.

00:27:31:14 – 00:27:34:14
And so I’ve been involved in that decision making as well can be

00:27:34:14 – 00:27:36:03
it can be really reassuring.

00:27:36:03 – 00:27:39:06
You know, they just don’t fully know your access needs.

00:27:39:06 – 00:27:43:06
And I just you know, and I think because they followed my Instagram,

00:27:43:11 – 00:27:44:18
they know that, you know,

00:27:44:18 – 00:27:49:14
the things I speak about how often somewhere will say they’re accessible and yeah,

00:27:49:16 – 00:27:52:04
oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:27:52:04 – 00:27:55:10
And that’s helping you out in terms of they,

00:27:55:12 – 00:27:55:17
you know,

00:27:55:17 – 00:27:56:04
they’re kind of like

00:27:56:04 – 00:28:00:00
taking that pressure away from you, but they weren’t making that decision on your behalf.

00:28:00:00 – 00:28:03:08
They still want people like, Oh yeah, no, no, it’s fine, I’ll queck, but

00:28:03:11 – 00:28:07:16
so we still need to know for ourselves, like doubly doubly sure that’s going to be fine.

00:28:07:16 – 00:28:08:19
And so that’s really nice that they actually then

00:28:08:19 – 00:28:10:04
still kind of gave you

00:28:10:04 – 00:28:13:05
you know the options and so you could double check that

00:28:13:05 – 00:28:14:11
for your specific needs.

00:28:14:11 – 00:28:18:06
It was going to be fine and that also what it’s all about, it makes it much easier

00:28:18:07 – 00:28:20:16
and especially new friends

00:28:20:16 – 00:28:23:08
it’s always a bit daunting to be like “hang on a minute,

00:28:23:08 – 00:28:26:19
yeah but can we actually just double check that it is,” or arrive somewhere

00:28:26:19 – 00:28:29:14
or if you don’t say it in advance and you arrive, somewhere see there’s a step,

00:28:29:14 – 00:28:32:01
you got to think, do I just not say anything?

00:28:32:01 – 00:28:37:01
Do I hope I don’t need the toilet or do I say actually can we go somewhere else, you know?

00:28:37:03 – 00:28:38:13
Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

00:28:38:13 – 00:28:42:12
And I think that’s that’s as well, you know, if we’re talking about

00:28:42:14 – 00:28:44:02
education around around

00:28:44:02 – 00:28:47:19
disability, I mean that that’s one.

00:28:47:21 – 00:28:49:17
I think Instagram has its faults.

00:28:49:17 – 00:28:52:09
Of course, the places that Instagram takes up,

00:28:52:09 – 00:28:55:09
there’s a huge amount of disabled creators on there

00:28:55:14 – 00:28:59:18
sharing information and trying to make connections and friendships.

00:28:59:18 – 00:29:03:06
And I think it’s a really good environment

00:29:03:06 – 00:29:07:11
to to learn more about disability, whether you are disabled or not.

00:29:07:11 – 00:29:11:09
You know, I’ve learned a lot about other people’s disabilities and

00:29:11:13 – 00:29:15:15
and access needs from following them and and

00:29:15:20 – 00:29:19:05
and I know that able bodied people have learned from for my stuff online.

00:29:19:06 – 00:29:23:19
And I think that just connecting and in that way is going to increase

00:29:23:19 – 00:29:24:17
because well as people then

00:29:24:17 – 00:29:29:14
go on to the particular jobs accessibility is in their mind you know

00:29:29:16 – 00:29:30:17
that it’s very, very, very true.

00:29:30:17 – 00:29:32:23
And I think that is a really good thing about about social media

00:29:32:23 – 00:29:37:05
is that you can reach far more people with the content as well.

00:29:37:05 – 00:29:39:03
And I think that, yes, even nicer

00:29:39:03 – 00:29:41:07
you’ve learnt a lot more about disability

00:29:41:07 – 00:29:43:21
through following people and think through Casual Ableism.

00:29:43:21 – 00:29:46:22
I have learned and being more aware of different types of ableism

00:29:46:22 – 00:29:48:21
and different types of disabilities.

00:29:48:21 – 00:29:49:10
You know, I was

00:29:49:10 – 00:29:52:12
I went into that for my lived experience is always very important

00:29:52:12 – 00:29:53:07
to talk about lived experience.

00:29:53:07 – 00:29:54:21
That’s what I know, and what I have experience with.

00:29:54:21 – 00:29:59:01
It was a physical disability and then

00:29:59:03 – 00:29:59:21

00:29:59:21 – 00:30:03:03
submissions from people who have, you know, colitis

00:30:03:03 – 00:30:07:05
or they have a colostomy bag or they have, you know,

00:30:07:07 – 00:30:09:23
you know, ADHD or any form of visual impairment

00:30:09:23 – 00:30:13:10
that I had no lived experience of, I didn’t have any awareness

00:30:13:12 – 00:30:17:17
of the ableism that they face in their own unique experience.

00:30:17:17 – 00:30:21:02
And that’s so important, even as a disabled person, I wasn’t aware about,

00:30:21:03 – 00:30:22:19
even though I’m very aware of

00:30:22:19 – 00:30:26:04
lots of things about disability and discrimination because, you know,

00:30:26:04 – 00:30:30:13
I think if you only have that one viewpoint of experience, you don’t know,

00:30:30:15 – 00:30:31:11
and that’s so important

00:30:31:11 – 00:30:34:02
even now, like I would be like, okay, I know that that

00:30:34:02 – 00:30:35:10
it would be an issue for someone else.

00:30:35:10 – 00:30:39:17
So if your paths cross with somebody else and you also like have that awareness

00:30:39:17 – 00:30:41:13
and it’s so important.

00:30:41:15 – 00:30:42:22
I think it

00:30:42:22 – 00:30:47:08
means that anybody I think even I think my friend shared Casual Ableism

00:30:47:08 – 00:30:51:00
when it first started and someone from her work followed

00:30:51:03 – 00:30:54:18
and they were a teacher and they had some students in their class

00:30:54:18 – 00:30:58:19
who had additional needs or disabilities, and they were then able to be like,

00:30:58:19 – 00:31:02:14
Wow, I didn’t know that possibly my students could face these things.

00:31:02:16 – 00:31:05:21
And even that having people who want to learn more

00:31:05:23 – 00:31:09:17
and it’s like they actually want to like, expose themselves to more information,

00:31:09:19 – 00:31:12:04
but possibly wouldn’t know how to or wouldn’t know how to go about it.

00:31:12:04 – 00:31:12:24
So that’s why.

00:31:12:24 – 00:31:14:08
your account and Casual Ableism

00:31:14:08 – 00:31:17:14
with different accounts and creators on Instagram and other platforms.

00:31:17:16 – 00:31:22:09
It’s so important because that’s the way a people can engage really easily

00:31:22:09 – 00:31:26:01
with just like small content, just by reading a post, reading a caption.

00:31:26:06 – 00:31:29:08
But it’s just like the value is very underrated.

00:31:29:08 – 00:31:32:23
You realize how much value it actually has.

00:31:33:00 – 00:31:33:21
I think you’re right.

00:31:33:21 – 00:31:34:11
I think you’re right.

00:31:34:11 – 00:31:37:15
And I think particularly with Casual Ableism, for example,

00:31:37:16 – 00:31:40:16
it’s sharing so many different

00:31:40:19 – 00:31:44:05
points of view and experiences all in one place.

00:31:44:11 – 00:31:48:10
I think that’s a really kind of

00:31:48:12 – 00:31:51:09
it brings people together

00:31:51:09 – 00:31:56:20
who experience some similar things, but in different ways.

00:31:56:22 – 00:31:57:15
Yeah, Yeah.

00:31:57:15 – 00:32:00:03
And it’s a good learning point for a lot of people.

00:32:00:03 – 00:32:02:05
I mean, thank you.

00:32:02:05 – 00:32:02:16

00:32:02:16 – 00:32:06:07
So in terms of like tips for accessible travel,

00:32:06:09 – 00:32:10:06
what would be your kind of like top five tips for anyone who’s

00:32:10:08 – 00:32:14:22
maybe just hasn’t been traveling much or hasn’t necessarily

00:32:15:00 – 00:32:17:09
ventured to a different country or within their own country?

00:32:17:09 – 00:32:18:01
What would be your

00:32:18:01 – 00:32:24:02
Five Tips to look for in terms of, accessible, travel and how to go about it.

00:32:24:04 – 00:32:25:01
Well, I’m definitely not the

00:32:25:01 – 00:32:28:01
person to ask about overseas travel as I’ve not been oversears in years,

00:32:28:06 – 00:32:33:07
but there are plenty of people on on Instagram sharing their experiences.

00:32:33:09 – 00:32:36:12
And so that would probably be tip

00:32:36:12 – 00:32:42:08
number one is get on social media and start following people.

00:32:42:10 – 00:32:46:16
And I think as well, just realize that, yes, some people

00:32:46:16 – 00:32:50:08
do have it, particularly if you if you look at the rights of flights,

00:32:50:10 – 00:32:52:17
stuff that’s around at the minute,

00:32:52:17 – 00:32:54:21
you can see that some people are having some

00:32:54:21 – 00:32:58:00
really horrible experiences on flights.

00:32:58:02 – 00:33:03:11
But if you look amongst that, there are tips and tricks there on

00:33:03:13 – 00:33:05:22
what to prepare for before you arrive at the airport,

00:33:05:22 – 00:33:10:02
how to detach your mobility equipment, what your rights are and things like that.

00:33:10:02 – 00:33:16:22
So I would say that looking at movements like that is great to for overseas travel.

00:33:16:24 – 00:33:21:20
I would would say tip number two, research.

00:33:21:22 – 00:33:24:22
My favorite thing.

00:33:25:02 – 00:33:28:01
And yes, it’s annoying that we have to do it,

00:33:28:01 – 00:33:31:20
but as it stands, yes, we do

00:33:31:22 – 00:33:34:08
so as a research research, research.

00:33:34:08 – 00:33:38:23
So when you arrive, you know what to expect.

00:33:39:00 – 00:33:43:09
I think if you’re if you are looking at a destination

00:33:43:09 – 00:33:46:09
as a whole, you can find out

00:33:46:11 – 00:33:49:04
what pavements are like and things like that go on.

00:33:49:04 – 00:33:53:09
I often use local Facebook groups for areas as well

00:33:53:15 – 00:33:57:18
because it’s a great resource to say, you know,

00:33:57:20 – 00:34:00:03
does anybody know of any wheelchair accessible cafes

00:34:00:03 – 00:34:03:03
or any problems with wheelchair accessibility in the town or whatever?

00:34:03:03 – 00:34:05:24
And disabled people who live there will come back and say,

00:34:05:24 – 00:34:08:11
okay, if you go in this way, use this pavement, or,

00:34:08:11 – 00:34:10:18
you know, here’s a great place for you to stop for lunch.

00:34:10:18 – 00:34:13:13
So it’s a definitely utilize

00:34:13:13 – 00:34:15:20
lived experience from other people.

00:34:15:20 – 00:34:20:12
And if you find those local groups for particular areas, they’re really good.

00:34:20:14 – 00:34:22:04
That’s a really good tip.

00:34:22:06 – 00:34:22:20

00:34:22:20 – 00:34:25:14
Yeah. I think

00:34:25:14 – 00:34:27:09
what my own tip number three

00:34:27:09 – 00:34:30:05
access guide so if you

00:34:30:05 – 00:34:34:04
if you’re familiar with accessibility statements and access guides

00:34:34:06 – 00:34:39:04
say quite often on websites, you’ll find those right in the small blurb

00:34:39:04 – 00:34:43:08
at the bottom or in the three.

00:34:43:10 – 00:34:44:06

00:34:44:06 – 00:34:46:22
A frequently asked questions and you’ll find out

00:34:46:22 – 00:34:48:17
is that it provides like washing up liquid.

00:34:48:17 – 00:34:52:13
How many dogs do you take to provide treats for your dog to this?

00:34:52:15 – 00:34:56:03
And eventually you get the information at the bottom

00:34:56:04 – 00:35:01:04
that the access guides are really, really helpful

00:35:01:06 – 00:35:04:09
in that they don’t use blanket statements like wheelchair

00:35:04:09 – 00:35:07:20
accessible or wheelchair friendly or things like that.

00:35:07:22 – 00:35:10:01
They use

00:35:10:01 – 00:35:13:18
photographs, measurements, detailed descriptions

00:35:13:20 – 00:35:18:08
about what to expect when you get there, and it helps you make your own decision

00:35:18:10 – 00:35:21:06
and whether that’s accessible for you or not.

00:35:21:06 – 00:35:23:09
You know,

00:35:23:11 – 00:35:26:23
I would say number four,

00:35:27:00 – 00:35:30:17
let businesses know your access needs before you arrive.

00:35:30:22 – 00:35:36:00
I think that can be reassuring, even if you’ve

00:35:36:02 – 00:35:39:09
you know, if you’ve read all or as much information as you can.

00:35:39:11 – 00:35:44:03
And it can be helpful to say, hi, I’m going to be arriving on this day

00:35:44:05 – 00:35:47:15
and I just want to check that.

00:35:47:21 – 00:35:50:19
As I said, I’ve got that copy and paste email, which is,

00:35:50:19 – 00:35:54:02
you know, do you have level or ramped access?

00:35:54:04 – 00:35:58:13
Do you have an accessible toilet

00:35:58:15 – 00:36:00:00
what height are your tables?

00:36:00:00 – 00:36:01:17
There’s nothing worse than

00:36:01:17 – 00:36:04:22
not getting your knees under the table and being

00:36:04:24 – 00:36:07:02
struggling with that. So yes.

00:36:07:02 – 00:36:10:03
So maybe get yourself a copy of this email to save time if he’s traveling around

00:36:10:03 – 00:36:13:17
a lot particularly, or if you’re emailing all different businesses and

00:36:13:19 – 00:36:16:19
and then if you if you remember as questions, then

00:36:16:22 – 00:36:20:02
quite often I find people will go and individually answer each question.

00:36:20:02 – 00:36:22:21
So that can be a good way to get

00:36:22:23 – 00:36:26:07
concise information that you need and then obviously give them a nudge

00:36:26:07 – 00:36:31:06
and tell them to pop all the information in their access guide.

00:36:31:08 – 00:36:34:18
And a big one for me is mapping out toilets.

00:36:34:23 – 00:36:35:18
That’s that’s my tip.

00:36:35:18 – 00:36:38:18
Number five is when you’re going somewhere

00:36:38:19 – 00:36:42:00
is the may I have to know where all the toilets are

00:36:42:04 – 00:36:46:07
and you know, factor in okay I’ll look out for like X amount of time.

00:36:46:07 – 00:36:48:01
By this point I could stop at this toilet.

00:36:48:01 – 00:36:52:20
And so good websites that I find are local council websites.

00:36:52:20 – 00:36:56:15
Will have information about about the location of toilets

00:36:56:17 – 00:37:00:00
and the changing places toilet website have a

00:37:00:01 – 00:37:03:22
have a map if you use changing places toilets

00:37:03:24 – 00:37:07:19
and yes, just I do find council websites.

00:37:07:19 – 00:37:11:05
I’m sure there’s a lot of websites that toilet find or something like that.

00:37:11:05 – 00:37:14:13
You know if you if you google the wheelchair accessible toilets in

00:37:14:15 – 00:37:18:12
whatever area and often the descriptions aren’t detailed,

00:37:18:12 – 00:37:20:16
they don’t tell you exactly what you’re going to find in there.

00:37:20:16 – 00:37:26:15
But I know, like for myself, I can kind of be a bit flexible with what I need.

00:37:26:17 – 00:37:30:22
And so, yeah, I think that’s that’s always good because then

00:37:30:24 – 00:37:36:20
that’s one stress taken out of your day, you know, where you can go to the loo.

00:37:36:22 – 00:37:39:09
I mean that’s important to me. Actually my mum,

00:37:39:09 – 00:37:42:19
used to , when I was younger, when we have an app but it was like toilet finder.

00:37:42:21 – 00:37:43:19

00:37:43:19 – 00:37:45:03
If you were out somewhere, you go.

00:37:45:03 – 00:37:46:12
Okay, let’s find out where the nearest one is.

00:37:46:12 – 00:37:48:21
Especially you’re going to London for appointments and stuff.

00:37:48:21 – 00:37:52:20
It was just like, okay, we need, you know, because, you know, it is is a fact.

00:37:52:21 – 00:37:55:22
You can’t just go ‘oh I need the loo’ and run,

00:37:55:22 – 00:37:57:07
quickly till I find somewhere.

00:37:57:07 – 00:37:59:08
It’s not like that for us, it has to be

00:37:59:08 – 00:38:00:20
But, you know, certain requirements.

00:38:00:20 – 00:38:01:18
So that’s a really good point.

00:38:01:18 – 00:38:02:19
And I think it’s really good

00:38:02:19 – 00:38:06:09
to know that local council websites have that information as well.

00:38:06:11 – 00:38:07:05
Think you know,

00:38:07:05 – 00:38:07:14
and so,

00:38:07:14 – 00:38:08:24
you know, you think of accessibility, think, okay,

00:38:08:24 – 00:38:11:07
I’m going to go to my accommodation itself.

00:38:11:07 – 00:38:13:04
it might be perfect,

00:38:13:04 – 00:38:15:24
It’s not just about that environment.

00:38:15:24 – 00:38:19:11
If you want to know about the local area, if you go to nearby towns, nearby

00:38:19:11 – 00:38:20:22
Restaurants, cafes, you know that’s the thing,

00:38:20:22 – 00:38:23:19
You know, being on holiday and being and traveling, that’s what it’s all about.

00:38:23:19 – 00:38:26:22
It’s not just about being in the room or being in the venue.

00:38:26:22 – 00:38:28:10
So it’s a really good point.

00:38:28:10 – 00:38:29:08
And it was really, really help.

00:38:29:08 – 00:38:31:18
I would never have thought to look at council websites for,

00:38:31:18 – 00:38:32:17
you know, where the toilets are

00:38:32:17 – 00:38:37:13
It’s really a really good point. Yeah. And

00:38:37:15 – 00:38:39:00
yeah, and most of them will just stay

00:38:39:00 – 00:38:42:21
where they are and opening times and whether or not you need the radar key.

00:38:42:22 – 00:38:45:12
So um, a Radar Key is

00:38:45:12 – 00:38:47:03
really handy.

00:38:47:03 – 00:38:49:18
Yeah that’s a the big tip is to get a radar key

00:38:49:18 – 00:38:53:16
because then wherever you are, I think even like in McDonald’s,

00:38:53:18 – 00:38:55:23
the disabled toilets have a radar key. Okay.

00:38:55:23 – 00:38:58:18
And I think to go to the toilet you need to actually have to ask for it.

00:38:58:18 – 00:39:00:03
So it’s really annoying if you’re,

00:39:00:03 – 00:39:03:05
you know, desperate or you feel that busy that you actually have to

00:39:03:09 – 00:39:05:22
you can’t just open the door and walk in, which is good in terms of,

00:39:05:22 – 00:39:08:11
you know, keeping it clean and people not like abusing it.

00:39:08:11 – 00:39:10:20
But it is really good to know. I think I was caught out of it.

00:39:10:20 – 00:39:13:16
I was in McDonald’s thinking I’d just be able to open the door and go in,

00:39:13:16 – 00:39:15:10
but I couldn’t and I couldn’t get their attention,

00:39:15:10 – 00:39:17:20
is like hi I need the key. Can you please Hurry up.

00:39:17:20 – 00:39:19:03
Not just wait a minute.

00:39:19:03 – 00:39:21:19
No, I can’t just wait a minute, actually, you know.

00:39:21:19 – 00:39:23:15
Yeah, yeah, I just.

00:39:23:15 – 00:39:24:16
I’ll get you a few minutes.

00:39:24:16 – 00:39:26:17
Ah, please give it to me right now.

00:39:26:17 – 00:39:29:13
You know, that’s also a good point, Radar Keys.

00:39:29:13 – 00:39:30:03
And then.

00:39:30:03 – 00:39:33:22
Then you are covered on all bases, which is really good.

00:39:33:24 – 00:39:34:11

00:39:34:11 – 00:39:37:01
And I think like what for you when you go somewhere.

00:39:37:01 – 00:39:39:24
My what is it that places do Right. What are they going to like.

00:39:39:24 – 00:39:43:11
Key things that you feel kind of like they’re going to have

00:39:43:11 – 00:39:47:07
the green flags of somewhere that when they do something right.

00:39:47:07 – 00:39:49:24
What is that kind of like the green flag experience?

00:39:49:24 – 00:39:52:20
Or do you say the green flag experience?

00:39:52:20 – 00:39:56:23
I’m not promoting the breakdown coverage company.

00:39:57:00 – 00:39:59:19

00:39:59:21 – 00:40:00:02

00:40:00:02 – 00:40:04:11
So it varies I think when a green flag for me definitely

00:40:04:11 – 00:40:08:09
seeing an accessibility statement or an access guide you know that for me

00:40:08:11 – 00:40:11:20
the green flag out saying we thought about it you know

00:40:11:22 – 00:40:15:12
or if they mentioned that they their staff

00:40:15:12 – 00:40:20:00
have like disability competence training or you know some some equivalent.

00:40:20:02 – 00:40:22:14
I think they’re saying like we we thought about this

00:40:22:14 – 00:40:26:18
and actually invested time, energy and and money

00:40:26:21 – 00:40:31:15
perhaps into making our business more accessible.

00:40:31:17 – 00:40:35:18
But I think, you know, for me as as a

00:40:35:20 – 00:40:38:20
as a travel blogger, when I get invited somewhere,

00:40:38:24 – 00:40:42:16
I think it’s a brave thing for businesses

00:40:42:16 – 00:40:46:16
to do because, you know,

00:40:46:18 – 00:40:49:19
they’re asking somebody really like, tell me what’s wrong.

00:40:49:23 – 00:40:52:07
You do that, you have a different experience

00:40:52:07 – 00:40:55:15
of a people who are clearly very, very confident in what they offer.

00:40:55:20 – 00:40:58:09
And I’ve had other people say, look,

00:40:58:11 – 00:40:59:11
we don’t

00:40:59:11 – 00:41:05:05
we get minimal feedback from our guests, Come here, tell me everything

00:41:05:05 – 00:41:09:13
we need to know about your experience and how it can be improved.

00:41:09:15 – 00:41:14:11
And and that for me, is a really it’s quite a vulnerable thing

00:41:14:13 – 00:41:17:16
and a humble thing for businesses to do.

00:41:17:16 – 00:41:21:10
And and that for me is is it we talk when they’re willing to engage

00:41:21:12 – 00:41:24:10
people with lived experience

00:41:24:10 – 00:41:28:00
and not just hey

00:41:28:02 – 00:41:32:08
I always think it’s such a shame when when business says,

00:41:32:08 – 00:41:36:07
well, we’ll take like minimum measurements for how big the bathroom should be.

00:41:36:07 – 00:41:39:23
And I think it’s always because they think that they’re doing the right thing.

00:41:40:00 – 00:41:43:00
It’s what they’re told by designers, architects

00:41:43:02 – 00:41:44:23
and things that they’re actually asking.

00:41:44:23 – 00:41:49:20
Someone with lived experience, well is that doorway actually wide enough, is there enough room

00:41:49:20 – 00:41:52:23
in that bathroom for you and your carer or assistant?

00:41:52:23 – 00:41:55:00
You know,

00:41:55:02 – 00:41:57:00
so actually engaging people with lived

00:41:57:00 – 00:42:01:05
experience, that’s always a big green flag for me.

00:42:01:07 – 00:42:05:09
And yeah, I think

00:42:05:11 – 00:42:09:11
I yeah, green flags when you arrive somewhere

00:42:09:13 – 00:42:14:14
just going in and just is seamless and you just feel,

00:42:14:16 – 00:42:19:05
yeah, you feel like you’ve arrived and there’s no barriers.

00:42:19:05 – 00:42:21:09
But here’s, here’s another thing as well.

00:42:21:09 – 00:42:24:09
You know, I’ve had this happen once and I wish it happened more often

00:42:24:11 – 00:42:28:03
I’ve called business and and asked about their accessibility

00:42:28:03 – 00:42:32:12
and they said look, we’re not, we’re in a listed building

00:42:32:16 – 00:42:35:16
something that we’re looking at, but where we’re not accessible.

00:42:35:17 – 00:42:40:15
However, there is a similar restaurant on blah, blah, blah, street,

00:42:40:17 – 00:42:45:12
and they are accessible.

00:42:45:14 – 00:42:46:01

00:42:46:01 – 00:42:50:04
And that for me is, is if you know that your business

00:42:50:09 – 00:42:54:14
doesn’t meet that person’s needs, have some knowledge about other businesses

00:42:54:14 – 00:42:57:18
in the area because ultimately you losing their business anyway.

00:42:57:21 – 00:43:00:19
It’s not like you’re sending them away, it’s not you know, that person is not going to come

00:43:00:19 – 00:43:04:12
because you’ve just told them it’s not accessible, because you might as well go that next step

00:43:04:12 – 00:43:08:10
and just say, Oh, actually our hotel is not accessible, but

00:43:08:12 – 00:43:11:23
here’s a hotel that is similar or whatever.

00:43:11:23 – 00:43:14:23
And when that happened, I thought, Oh, wow, that’s

00:43:15:00 – 00:43:17:22
that was really I came away from that experience as well,

00:43:17:22 – 00:43:21:01
feeling positive rather than feeling like, Oh God, another place

00:43:21:01 – 00:43:25:06
I can’t go.

00:43:25:08 – 00:43:28:15
They weren’t just saying no, they were saying, we’re not however, try this one.

00:43:28:17 – 00:43:30:09
And I think it wasn’t just like a flat no.

00:43:30:09 – 00:43:33:14
It was it’s a much better way to conduct a conversation

00:43:33:14 – 00:43:37:09
because you’re leaving with another option rather than, okay, where do I go now?

00:43:37:11 – 00:43:40:06
That was really, really good.

00:43:40:06 – 00:43:40:14

00:43:40:14 – 00:43:42:21
And I now have a positive view of that.

00:43:42:21 – 00:43:46:08
Business did not come away with a negative view as you can.

00:43:46:09 – 00:43:49:14
Many of you know I’ve come away with a positive view

00:43:49:14 – 00:43:54:05
and and would recommend them to people who you know you don’t have access needs.

00:43:54:07 – 00:43:54:23

00:43:54:23 – 00:43:56:04
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

00:43:56:04 – 00:43:58:00
I mean that’s really cool I think talking about you know

00:43:58:00 – 00:44:00:03
to say how they recommend another,

00:44:00:03 – 00:44:03:07
that happened to me at one restaurant in particular in Brick Lane in London

00:44:03:07 – 00:44:06:14
looking for a curry and checking where the toilets were.

00:44:06:14 – 00:44:08:04
Most of them were downstairs

00:44:08:04 – 00:44:10:11
and going to each one saying ‘where are they?’ ‘downstairs’.

00:44:10:11 – 00:44:11:13
Okay, you know, thank you.

00:44:11:13 – 00:44:13:11
And in the last one we went into, they were like, no,

00:44:13:11 – 00:44:16:11
but the one across the road down there, they have ok loos.

00:44:16:11 – 00:44:17:23
That’s fine.

00:44:17:23 – 00:44:21:09
And I was just exactly talking about, okay, you don’t have to

00:44:21:11 – 00:44:24:08
gatekeep your business because as you say, like you’re not to go anyway

00:44:24:08 – 00:44:25:23
because it’s not accessible.

00:44:25:23 – 00:44:28:23
So to then actually say no, but that one over there does, that’s really good.

00:44:28:23 – 00:44:30:15
And then you think, Oh yeah, great experience

00:44:30:15 – 00:44:34:04
and you don’t go away feeling negative, you don’t get as exhausted.

00:44:34:05 – 00:44:35:05
I guess in the,

00:44:35:05 – 00:44:38:17
in the kind of like the search for that cafe, restaurant or accommodation

00:44:38:19 – 00:44:40:08
that is really good.

00:44:40:10 – 00:44:40:23
Even just

00:44:40:23 – 00:44:44:07
acknowledging that they have that awareness that it would be an issue.

00:44:44:07 – 00:44:46:09
and therefore maybe have it happened quite a lot.

00:44:46:09 – 00:44:50:09
Maybe so they used to to say to people, No, we’re not, but,

00:44:50:10 – 00:44:51:18
you know, try that place.

00:44:51:18 – 00:44:56:01
But now as a really good that mentality of being open, and just suggesting as well.

00:44:56:01 – 00:44:59:12
It was really good. Yeah, I agree.

00:44:59:14 – 00:45:02:13
It’s about kind of coming away from experiences

00:45:02:13 – 00:45:06:24
feeling that it’s that easy, as you say, that it’s not exhausted

00:45:06:24 – 00:45:10:11
you, that you’re you’re not coming away feeling negative.

00:45:10:11 – 00:45:11:15
It’s yeah.

00:45:11:15 – 00:45:13:22
Whether a place is accessible or not.

00:45:13:22 – 00:45:17:05
You want you want it to feel seamless.

00:45:17:05 – 00:45:19:24
Really. That’s what you want.

00:45:19:24 – 00:45:20:15

00:45:20:15 – 00:45:24:10
I think as you were saying about, you know, but measurements for mobility aid.

00:45:24:12 – 00:45:27:07
It goes back to the thought that no rmobility aid

00:45:27:07 – 00:45:31:13
the same as well, you know, a manual wheelchair some are wider than others or, you know,

00:45:31:15 – 00:45:34:09
a child might be in a manual wheelchair and that’s a lot smaller

00:45:34:09 – 00:45:38:02
or, you know, you need to have one with bigger wheels, one you know, some

00:45:38:08 – 00:45:39:10
you know, you have fixed ones.

00:45:39:10 – 00:45:41:13
So once the wheels come off, they’re built differently.

00:45:41:13 – 00:45:43:20
There isn’t just one type of a wheelchair.

00:45:43:20 – 00:45:47:05
And I’ve had I’ve had ones that aren’t specifically made for me.

00:45:47:10 – 00:45:51:09
And they’re huge, then one other ones are kind of more tailored

00:45:51:09 – 00:45:52:15
and they’re much narrower.

00:45:52:15 – 00:45:53:19
And that is such a good point.

00:45:53:19 – 00:45:57:17
People don’t realize, unless they actually lived with a mobility aid,

00:45:57:19 – 00:46:01:06
or live with somebody who has mobility aid, you know, I think

00:46:01:08 – 00:46:04:17
even just beyond that, even just like in no specific rooms,

00:46:04:17 – 00:46:08:21
but even just like the general floor space of a room or

00:46:08:23 – 00:46:12:09
or a cottage or a bungalow, whatever it is, a lodge that you can just like,

00:46:12:09 – 00:46:16:11
where do you actually park your mobilit aid if you don’t use it all the time?

00:46:16:11 – 00:46:18:14
So like, for me, I would, you know, go it on it.

00:46:18:14 – 00:46:22:00
And I probably like I’d get off it and sit on a sofa and move around a bit.

00:46:22:02 – 00:46:25:22
So where do I park it, is it in the way? and where do I charge it.

00:46:25:23 – 00:46:26:22
because I have to charge it.

00:46:26:22 – 00:46:29:02
You know, it’s got a battery and even that.

00:46:29:02 – 00:46:32:13
So even beyond that thinking where plugs are,

00:46:32:19 – 00:46:33:22
where sockets are to plug in

00:46:33:22 – 00:46:35:17
they behind furniture you know

00:46:35:17 – 00:46:39:22
because if you’re charging a mobility aid or for example I sleep with a ventilator at night

00:46:39:22 – 00:46:44:19
so by the bed there needs to be a table by the bed or a bedside table or something

00:46:44:21 – 00:46:48:09
and there needs to be a plug pretty near to be able to plug it

00:46:48:09 – 00:46:51:24
in and normally in hotels are often they’re not by the bed.

00:46:51:24 – 00:46:53:24
And therefore you have to ask for an extension lead

00:46:53:24 – 00:46:56:01
And they always do give you one, but it’s that sort of thing.

00:46:56:01 – 00:46:59:17
those are other things you have to think about.

00:46:59:17 – 00:47:01:08
You wouldn’t necessarily normally think about someone

00:47:01:08 – 00:47:05:02
who didn’t have to charge a mobility aid, didn’t have to sleep with a ventilator,

00:47:05:04 – 00:47:07:02
wouldn’t necessarily think about it or go hang

00:47:07:02 – 00:47:10:21
And it is like no space even for a chair by the bed.

00:47:10:23 – 00:47:13:14
So I have to share the bed with this huge machine

00:47:13:14 – 00:47:17:00
and I’m like cramped up beside it’s not ideal.

00:47:17:02 – 00:47:20:10
Those are those added things as well like photos of things

00:47:20:10 – 00:47:23:23
and even a statement saying, you know, we have plugs accessible,

00:47:24:00 – 00:47:26:08
you know, not behind furniture, even that sort of thing.

00:47:26:08 – 00:47:29:17
It’s just like so and even in terms of leaving reviews saying

00:47:29:17 – 00:47:33:08
the plugs were at a decent height, did not bend down, not too low.

00:47:33:13 – 00:47:35:10
And that’s where the review stage can come in.

00:47:35:10 – 00:47:39:20
And if people take photos and make reviews with photos, all of that helps

00:47:39:22 – 00:47:42:04
for the next person.

00:47:42:06 – 00:47:43:03
It definitely does.

00:47:43:03 – 00:47:43:23
Definitely does.

00:47:43:23 – 00:47:47:04
One thing I find thinking about like I saw says, you know,

00:47:47:06 – 00:47:51:07
turning space, for example, in the manual wheelchair you just turn on the spot.

00:47:51:09 – 00:47:55:05
And I often think to myself, you know some you know there are some power chairs

00:47:55:05 – 00:48:00:20
that turn on the spot but not not many usually there’s a know

00:48:00:22 – 00:48:03:07
turning cycle involved and I think, wow,

00:48:03:07 – 00:48:06:12
how are people expected to manouver around the furniture

00:48:06:14 – 00:48:09:14
Or a big thing to me is getting to the curtains

00:48:09:17 – 00:48:13:10
and being able to open and close the curtains and the window

00:48:13:12 – 00:48:14:10
quite often I can’t

00:48:14:10 – 00:48:16:10
Yeah, and I’ve often stayed in a hotel room and

00:48:16:10 – 00:48:22:07
gone down to the bar and I was like, I can’t do that.

00:48:22:08 – 00:48:24:19
Yeah, that’s just really odd,

00:48:24:21 – 00:48:26:09
I can’t even open the curtains here.

00:48:26:09 – 00:48:27:04
Yeah. Yeah.

00:48:27:04 – 00:48:28:17
So there’s lots of little things.

00:48:28:17 – 00:48:32:11
And I think what everybody needs is, is different, as you say,

00:48:32:11 – 00:48:36:13
you know, and I think we all leave reviews about what’s important to us.

00:48:36:13 – 00:48:39:07
Then it builds a bigger picture

00:48:39:07 – 00:48:41:12
of what things are like.

00:48:41:12 – 00:48:41:21

00:48:41:21 – 00:48:44:21
And if you have that energy and that capacity to do so, it it does really help.

00:48:45:00 – 00:48:46:05
But it doesn’t have to be.

00:48:46:05 – 00:48:48:03
You know, reviews are often thought about in a negative way.

00:48:48:03 – 00:48:51:05
They don’t have to be the negative reviews of you could do this better.

00:48:51:07 – 00:48:52:06
It is in a positive way.

00:48:52:06 – 00:48:56:10
This is great and for anyone looking in this same situation, you know,

00:48:56:10 – 00:49:00:06
even just beyond disability, it’s good for dogs, we travel with dogs

00:49:00:08 – 00:49:02:07
So therefore, yeah, there’s a park nearby.

00:49:02:07 – 00:49:04:20
walk the dogs in, that sort of thing.

00:49:04:20 – 00:49:08:13
It is really good and I think that yeah, it’s all about,

00:49:08:13 – 00:49:09:14
you know, unique experience.

00:49:09:14 – 00:49:12:07
And the more people who do have the different

00:49:12:07 – 00:49:15:07
experiences to be able to leave those comments is really, really good.

00:49:15:10 – 00:49:20:09
And yeah, so in terms of you said already that you reckon that the

00:49:20:11 – 00:49:24:00
individually owned places to better than the larger companies

00:49:24:00 – 00:49:27:10
I guess at their personal experience is better

00:49:27:12 – 00:49:29:09
can you expand on that a bit more.

00:49:29:09 – 00:49:31:20
Yeah. I think often

00:49:31:20 – 00:49:37:14
the big business is a quite faceless, you know, the person you’re speaking to

00:49:37:19 – 00:49:41:19
is not the person who makes the decision about the building

00:49:41:19 – 00:49:44:10
and about how accessible it is and about procedures and policies.

00:49:44:10 – 00:49:49:02
Yeah, the person you’re speaking to is somebody who works

00:49:49:02 – 00:49:53:14
and the receptionist manages the housekeeping team or whatever.

00:49:53:16 – 00:49:57:00
Whereas when you’re dealing with small businesses,

00:49:57:00 – 00:50:01:03
some family run businesses, you are speaking to the person who makes the decisions

00:50:01:05 – 00:50:04:13
and I think as well, a lot of people

00:50:04:16 – 00:50:08:12
who go into the business of providing accessible accommodation

00:50:08:14 – 00:50:13:07
often have on a small scale, often have experience of it themselves.

00:50:13:09 – 00:50:17:07
It might be, you know, somebody in their family or or a friend

00:50:17:07 – 00:50:21:20
or something like that, and that that’s where and that drive

00:50:21:20 – 00:50:24:18
to provide this accommodation comes from in the first place.

00:50:24:18 – 00:50:29:14
So there is already a level of knowledge about it.

00:50:29:16 – 00:50:30:07
So I think

00:50:30:07 – 00:50:34:20
that’s that’s often why whereas I think sometimes the, the big

00:50:34:22 – 00:50:37:07
faceless corporations there

00:50:37:07 – 00:50:41:01
and that drive to do it is because it’s a legal requirement

00:50:41:01 – 00:50:45:08
in hotels, you know, and you can, you can feel sometimes

00:50:45:08 – 00:50:49:05
like it’s been an afterthought or so you’ve got to tick that box here.

00:50:49:05 – 00:50:53:04
We have an accessible room, but all is is really it’s a room on the ground floor

00:50:53:07 – 00:50:57:15
with some, you know, a shower chair and some rails and the bathroom.

00:50:57:17 – 00:51:00:11
And that’s about as far as it goes.

00:51:00:11 – 00:51:02:14
And and yeah, that’s great for some people.

00:51:02:14 – 00:51:06:12
That’s all for people need, you know,

00:51:06:14 – 00:51:08:11
but for others, they need a lot more.

00:51:08:11 – 00:51:12:13
And if you’re just doing it to tick boxes, your heart’s not in the right place.

00:51:12:15 – 00:51:16:23
And whereas I think a lot of people who have small businesses

00:51:16:23 – 00:51:17:23
and family run businesses,

00:51:17:23 – 00:51:22:07
that their heart is in the right place and they want to do it.

00:51:22:07 – 00:51:26:23
And as well, they’re meeting the people who come and stay at their accommodation.

00:51:26:23 – 00:51:30:11
And it is it is much more personal.

00:51:30:13 – 00:51:32:19
I’ve had some great experiences

00:51:32:19 – 00:51:37:00
and one place I went along to and

00:51:37:02 – 00:51:37:17
and I said, look,

00:51:37:17 – 00:51:41:13
you know, your door thresholds are too high.

00:51:41:15 – 00:51:45:09
I was struggling and explained about how with wheelchairs as well.

00:51:45:09 – 00:51:46:24
It was really difficult.

00:51:46:24 – 00:51:48:14
So this is right, great.

00:51:48:14 – 00:51:53:20
And there were some fire door things and they went away and got ramps for it and

00:51:53:22 – 00:51:56:13
sent me photos and said “look here it is”

00:51:56:13 – 00:51:59:13
And you know, what do you think of this? it is looking ok?

00:51:59:16 – 00:52:00:16
And that was great.

00:52:00:16 – 00:52:04:00
Another place to stay is it’s not, not an accessible place, but

00:52:04:02 – 00:52:10:24
it was a point where I could kind of manage more and they invited me back to do

00:52:11:01 – 00:52:13:20
a more comprehensive accessibility report,

00:52:13:20 – 00:52:17:14
like a lived experience accessibility report with some recommendations.

00:52:17:14 – 00:52:21:18
And and they are currently in the process

00:52:21:18 – 00:52:27:22
of expanding that non-accessible accommodation into an accessible accommodation. So

00:52:27:24 – 00:52:30:03
yeah, so I think that’s

00:52:30:03 – 00:52:33:11
when people are willing to engage

00:52:33:13 – 00:52:36:16
people with lived experience, pay people with lived experience.

00:52:36:22 – 00:52:38:15
I think that shows that they are

00:52:38:15 – 00:52:43:00
really very keen on making improvements and that their heart is in the place.

00:52:43:02 – 00:52:46:02
Definitely and not making that assumption and saying

00:52:46:03 – 00:52:49:06
okay, that’s it, that’s accessible, box tick.

00:52:49:06 – 00:52:52:06
So we’re going to guidelines of why, you know, X, Y and Z, Right.

00:52:52:06 – 00:52:53:03
Okay, perfect.

00:52:53:03 – 00:52:57:01
So that assumption that what they do will work everybody and that’s why

00:52:57:02 – 00:52:58:19
to bring in different people

00:52:58:19 – 00:53:01:21
and embracing our opinion, especially if you’ve actually stayed there before

00:53:01:21 – 00:53:05:11
they actually we could really utilize your lived experience

00:53:05:13 – 00:53:06:16
and there’s nothing wrong with that.

00:53:06:16 – 00:53:08:01
It’s only when it’s going to be done properly.

00:53:08:01 – 00:53:09:18
And going to be done right.

00:53:09:18 – 00:53:12:18
And as you say about hotels with accessible rooms, you know, it’s

00:53:12:18 – 00:53:16:22
got the wet room, it’s got X Y Z. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed

00:53:16:23 – 00:53:21:17
but what I’ve noticed is that in accessible rooms in hotels, it’s always a double bed.

00:53:21:19 – 00:53:24:04
I don’t have ever had an accessible room

00:53:24:04 – 00:53:27:18
which has had twin beds and I travel with my mum and I.

00:53:27:18 – 00:53:30:18
We’re fine to share a bed, but if you have a carer or a PA

00:53:30:22 – 00:53:33:16
or even a friend, that means you’re forced to share a

00:53:33:16 – 00:53:37:13
or buy another room which then brings the cost up.

00:53:37:15 – 00:53:41:15
And I think that’s really strange that that always double beds.

00:53:41:17 – 00:53:45:07
This is really strange because I, I had the opposite experience.

00:53:45:10 – 00:53:47:13
Oh really? Yeah.

00:53:47:13 – 00:53:50:14
So I often go in like, because I’m traveling with my wife,

00:53:50:17 – 00:53:53:22
you know, romantic weekends away and you turn up.

00:53:53:22 – 00:53:56:11
It is like twin beds. Okay.

00:53:56:11 – 00:53:59:19
And but I do find now a lot of hotels

00:53:59:19 – 00:54:02:19
have the zip link beds

00:54:02:24 – 00:54:06:05
where they can be zipped apart, you know, And I think it’s important for them

00:54:06:06 – 00:54:09:24
to mention that and say, look, do you want these made up two singles or do you

00:54:09:24 – 00:54:12:03
want them made up as a double? You know,

00:54:12:05 – 00:54:14:18
and I also think providing

00:54:14:18 – 00:54:18:17
connecting rooms is really helpful if somebody has an assistant with them.

00:54:18:19 – 00:54:21:20
And I think those rooms this is my opinion anyway,

00:54:21:24 – 00:54:24:20
those rooms should be given a heavily reduced rate.

00:54:24:20 – 00:54:27:07
But that’s, you

00:54:27:07 – 00:54:28:17
you don’t necessarily always want

00:54:28:17 – 00:54:32:15
to be forced to share a room with somebody because of financials,

00:54:32:17 – 00:54:36:21
the disability tax is a huge issue and paying more for it or anything.

00:54:36:21 – 00:54:38:11
So having to pay for

00:54:38:11 – 00:54:41:04
Another room at full price is a lot.

00:54:41:04 – 00:54:42:15
and You know how a concert tickets,

00:54:42:15 – 00:54:45:21
if you’re going with a carer or PA or another person

00:54:45:21 – 00:54:48:21
and you got a reduced rate ticket or even a free ticket very often.

00:54:48:21 – 00:54:49:02

00:54:49:02 – 00:54:52:02
But the venues so that should be the same.

00:54:52:05 – 00:54:56:07
The thing of the hotel that I should be like a discount or well some way of Yeah.

00:54:56:07 – 00:55:00:08
Reducing bring that cost down because you don’t always have to have to share

00:55:00:10 – 00:55:05:10
with somebody who isn’t family or a partner or spouse.

00:55:05:12 – 00:55:06:13
So that’s another good point as well.

00:55:06:13 – 00:55:10:00
So there should be that leeway for it, but the definitley interconnecting

00:55:10:00 – 00:55:10:20
rooms is really good.

00:55:10:20 – 00:55:14:07
I think often we’ve had that with my grandparents and their room was connected

00:55:14:07 – 00:55:17:16
so that they’re quite elderly, so then, you know, they don’t need anything.

00:55:17:16 – 00:55:20:07
But if there was a problem we could, you know, go in

00:55:20:07 – 00:55:24:00
and that sort of thing really, really good and having that ability to have that.

00:55:24:00 – 00:55:27:16
But that often relies on the bigger hotels or bigger

00:55:27:18 – 00:55:31:18
kind of like venues to have that on offer but I think these are all

00:55:31:20 – 00:55:35:16
things to consider having that versitility as you say about those zip and link beds

00:55:35:16 – 00:55:40:10
having the option so you’re not forced to either having only twin or only double

00:55:40:12 – 00:55:43:00
it is yeah.

00:55:43:00 – 00:55:46:00
Especially when it comes to accessibility having variation

00:55:46:03 – 00:55:50:07
so that you can adapt your accessibility measures and accommodations

00:55:50:09 – 00:55:55:02
into what works for each unique person coming to stay rather than having

00:55:55:02 – 00:55:59:01
to stay this is the only kind of accommodation accessability things we have.

00:55:59:06 – 00:56:01:02
But actually you have all these different things.

00:56:01:02 – 00:56:04:15
How can we adapt these things to suit your needs?

00:56:04:17 – 00:56:08:10
Yes, yes, I think I have places that have lots of different equipment to hire

00:56:08:16 – 00:56:11:13
are amazing because, you know, being able to say,

00:56:11:13 – 00:56:14:20
you know, do you need a hoist?

00:56:14:22 – 00:56:16:17
I mean, the amount of equipment

00:56:16:17 – 00:56:20:06
that disabled have to travel with a lot of the time is unreal.

00:56:20:12 – 00:56:26:05
So being able to say, all right, okay, I don’t need to bring a hoist or arrange

00:56:26:07 – 00:56:30:10
what you need to pay for one to be reliant on that.

00:56:30:12 – 00:56:31:03

00:56:31:03 – 00:56:32:12
You know, having those there

00:56:32:12 – 00:56:35:22
or different options of shower chairs and things like that, just have it.

00:56:35:22 – 00:56:39:20
Having things like that make a space adaptable

00:56:39:20 – 00:56:42:20
to just having the equipment available.

00:56:42:20 – 00:56:45:14
Definitely it makes it accessible for everybody, you know?

00:56:45:14 – 00:56:47:23
not just certain disabilities

00:56:48:00 – 00:56:49:19
that’s the whole thing with,

00:56:49:19 – 00:56:51:00
everything is bit like you and I.

00:56:51:00 – 00:56:53:04
We both have physical disabilities, but they’re different.

00:56:53:04 – 00:56:53:19
Yeah, Yeah.

00:56:53:19 – 00:56:56:19
Even someone with the same condition that I have

00:56:57:00 – 00:56:58:03
Muscular Dystrophy, the same strain everything.

00:56:58:03 – 00:57:03:07
We are so different, you know, And that’s just how it is.

00:57:03:09 – 00:57:04:23
And also people have different

00:57:04:23 – 00:57:07:22
I guess people’s priorities of their needs are different as well.

00:57:07:22 – 00:57:13:03
So even if it’s not on a base level of ramp and access,

00:57:13:05 – 00:57:16:18
other needs are different because of it varies person to person.

00:57:16:20 – 00:57:19:23
And I think that’s also a really kind of key thing to understand

00:57:19:23 – 00:57:24:01
is not just the one type, but that’s something that society, you know,

00:57:24:03 – 00:57:28:08
gradually kind of I think being more aware of it’s not just disability

00:57:28:12 – 00:57:32:23
is that certain thing, kind of like every type of person.

00:57:33:00 – 00:57:34:02
Yes, definitely.

00:57:34:02 – 00:57:36:06
Yeah, absolutely.

00:57:36:06 – 00:57:38:20
Yeah. So we’ve heard about your blog.

00:57:38:20 – 00:57:39:15
Can you tell us a bit more

00:57:39:15 – 00:57:43:11
about Accessible Holiday Scotland because you’re a co-founder of that.

00:57:43:13 – 00:57:46:24
Let’s hear a bit more about about that.

00:57:47:01 – 00:57:47:12

00:57:47:12 – 00:57:50:12
So Accessible Holiday Scotland is is probably

00:57:50:12 – 00:57:54:16
the more formal wing of things so

00:57:54:18 – 00:57:58:09
you know I really enjoy doing the blog and the and the Instagram

00:57:58:09 – 00:58:01:17
stuff and sharing information in that casual, informal way.

00:58:01:17 – 00:58:04:22
But as somebody who likes to research stuff,

00:58:04:24 – 00:58:09:15
I recognize the importance of having information

00:58:09:15 – 00:58:12:17
all in one place in a format that’s easy to access.

00:58:12:23 – 00:58:15:01
So it’s, you know, it’s slowly building up.

00:58:15:01 – 00:58:16:03
It’s it’s early days.

00:58:16:03 – 00:58:19:11
So that the idea is that it’s a database

00:58:19:11 – 00:58:23:09
of accessible tourism experiences

00:58:23:11 – 00:58:27:05
within Scotland, so that that includes

00:58:27:07 – 00:58:29:17
accommodation, days out

00:58:29:17 – 00:58:34:05
shopping and things to do.

00:58:34:07 – 00:58:38:16
And it’s just having a database that that you can search and that you can tick

00:58:38:18 – 00:58:42:11
what your accessibility needs are, say, searching in accommodation.

00:58:42:12 – 00:58:45:09
You go, okay, right, well, I’m going to need a hoist.

00:58:45:09 – 00:58:47:18
I’m gonna need

00:58:47:20 – 00:58:51:07
a shower chair, I’m going to need whatever

00:58:51:07 – 00:58:55:09
And you can tick those and filter out all the stuff that isn’t relevant.

00:58:55:11 – 00:59:01:24
And I think the aim with it is just to save people time and energy

00:59:02:05 – 00:59:05:24
in searching for things and providing

00:59:06:01 – 00:59:09:06
decent descriptions of what to expect there as well.

00:59:09:08 – 00:59:11:10
And photographs

00:59:11:10 – 00:59:13:09
and links to access guides.

00:59:13:09 – 00:59:16:09
And it’s just having it all in one place.

00:59:16:14 – 00:59:19:08
I’m really, you know, I’m really passionate about traveling around Scotland

00:59:19:08 – 00:59:25:04
and and the places that you can experience and sadly it’s not always easy.

00:59:25:06 – 00:59:28:06
And I think it’s

00:59:28:07 – 00:59:31:23
that some of the bigger tourism organizations in Scotland,

00:59:32:00 – 00:59:35:07
places are becoming more aware and

00:59:35:09 – 00:59:38:13
and they are sharing more information.

00:59:38:13 – 00:59:40:15
But it can be very hit and miss.

00:59:40:15 – 00:59:45:07
Yeah I remember searching on one one big website was for accessible

00:59:45:07 – 00:59:49:09
accommodation that was loads of wheelchair accessible accommodation

00:59:49:11 – 00:59:53:00
and it turned out it was accommodation that you could literally wheel into.

00:59:53:00 – 00:59:56:08
But the bedrooms were, upstairs, or you know,

00:59:56:13 – 00:59:58:01
you could wheel in the front door

00:59:58:01 – 01:00:01:21
and you know, you could get to the kitchen but not to the bathroom and you know

01:00:02:01 – 01:00:06:20
So it’s I think having having something

01:00:06:22 – 01:00:11:24
that has the input of a disabled person at the moment and hopefully in the future,

01:00:12:03 – 01:00:16:19
more disabled people having input from people at that is really valuable.

01:00:16:19 – 01:00:19:02
It makes it

01:00:19:04 – 01:00:20:02
to me when I

01:00:20:02 – 01:00:23:24
find things like that, it it’s comforting, it’s reassuring.

01:00:24:01 – 01:00:27:23
I think that it’s information that’s being provided by somebody

01:00:27:23 – 01:00:33:09
who knows what my experiences and knows what I need to know.

01:00:33:11 – 01:00:35:16
So yeah, just trying to provide that for Scotland.

01:00:35:16 – 01:00:37:11
And it’s myself and my wife.

01:00:37:11 – 01:00:39:11
We’re running it together.

01:00:39:11 – 01:00:40:05
Yeah. Yeah.

01:00:40:05 – 01:00:43:05
It shows that you,

01:00:43:10 – 01:00:43:20
you know,

01:00:43:20 – 01:00:46:02
whenever you find something like that, it’s been really been like the way

01:00:46:02 – 01:00:47:22
it’s been done on your behalf

01:00:47:22 – 01:00:50:05
and for you to show that someone cares enough

01:00:50:05 – 01:00:52:08
that they’ve experienced something that you are going to experience

01:00:52:08 – 01:00:55:08
or you have experienced, and the fact they actually cared enough

01:00:55:14 – 01:00:59:16
make it available to share that knowledge that you’ve with, even,

01:00:59:16 – 01:01:01:05
you know, just by travelling around

01:01:01:05 – 01:01:04:23
disabled people we acquire so much knowledge of, you know, where’s good,

01:01:04:23 – 01:01:09:01
where’s accessible where isn’t, and tips and tricks of how to make life easier.

01:01:09:01 – 01:01:12:05
So the fact you’re then using and sharing that knowledge that you’ve acquired

01:01:12:05 – 01:01:13:02
is just so amazing.

01:01:13:02 – 01:01:16:20
And definitely I think that Scotland is such an amazing, beautiful place.

01:01:16:22 – 01:01:18:09
And I think you think about it.

01:01:18:09 – 01:01:19:17
You think, Oh, maybe there is

01:01:19:17 – 01:01:22:09
not much in terms of accessibility, but to know that there is,

01:01:22:09 – 01:01:25:06
your sites created and designated just to highlighting those amazing places

01:01:25:06 – 01:01:28:08
that are accessible and that people can come and enjoy, and enjoy

01:01:28:08 – 01:01:29:13
Scotland, I think is incredible.

01:01:29:13 – 01:01:33:10
So thank you so much for providing that and the blog is I love the Blog as well

01:01:33:12 – 01:01:37:17
about you offer some information on the different types attractions around

01:01:37:19 – 01:01:38:15

01:01:38:15 – 01:01:42:07
It’s not just about accommodation, it’s about all sorts of things, and that’s like

01:01:42:09 – 01:01:45:14
So if you actually arrive somewhere, you know where else you can go and do

01:01:45:16 – 01:01:49:09
in the area that will be accessible as well, that’s really, really great.

01:01:49:11 – 01:01:49:20

01:01:49:20 – 01:01:54:16
I think I would love in the future to expand it and include

01:01:54:16 – 01:01:58:18
itinerary planning for people because I think that can be a big thing.

01:01:58:20 – 01:02:02:11
You know, finding the right accommodation is one part of the battle.

01:02:02:16 – 01:02:05:17
And as we mentioned earlier, it is then finding out what the accessibility

01:02:05:17 – 01:02:09:00
like in the local towns where can I go eat, go the toilet.

01:02:09:02 – 01:02:10:03
You know, it’s all this kind of stuff.

01:02:10:03 – 01:02:14:10
So I think I would love in the future to develop it to provide,

01:02:14:12 – 01:02:18:13
yeah, itinerary planning that’s individual for that person

01:02:18:15 – 01:02:21:19
to say, okay, well these your access needs.

01:02:21:21 – 01:02:24:03
What can we find for you to?

01:02:24:03 – 01:02:26:13
You know, these are you access needs and your interests.

01:02:26:13 – 01:02:30:00
What can we find for you to do in this area

01:02:30:04 – 01:02:31:04
that’s right.

01:02:31:04 – 01:02:34:09
And if that area doesn’t have enough opportunities, what other area

01:02:34:09 – 01:02:37:09
could we find that’s somewhere that you might that you might enjoy as well?

01:02:37:10 – 01:02:40:14
And just being able to hand someone over an itinerary

01:02:40:14 – 01:02:43:23
and just say, Right, just go enjoy yourself.

01:02:44:00 – 01:02:44:07

01:02:44:07 – 01:02:47:14
And I think also an agenda of what you can do, obviously, like, you know,

01:02:47:18 – 01:02:51:03
go on holiday on your own, whether it’s with a family, if you’ve got children,

01:02:51:05 – 01:02:54:11
if you go with, you know, different age groups, to actually know

01:02:54:11 – 01:02:58:07
that you could all go to enjoy something together rather than, okay, well,

01:02:58:07 – 01:02:59:19
we want to do this, but you can’t get in there

01:02:59:19 – 01:03:03:10
so you could say stay behind. So that’s really good to know

01:03:03:12 – 01:03:05:19
so there are things you can go do as a group

01:03:05:19 – 01:03:09:02
that is going to be actually accessible for everybody in terms of interest

01:03:09:04 – 01:03:11:23
and activity is really also a really good point.

01:03:11:23 – 01:03:16:02
As you just it’s not just about us in a way, especially on holiday

01:03:16:02 – 01:03:18:20
You need to also be able to not get left behind

01:03:18:20 – 01:03:22:15
or not feel like you only do activities that suit you.

01:03:22:17 – 01:03:23:13
I think that’s also really good.

01:03:23:13 – 01:03:26:18
Good to kind of be able to have that so everyone is going to be able to enjoy

01:03:26:20 – 01:03:28:19
and access themselves as well.

01:03:28:19 – 01:03:31:11
So it’s really good to definitely and that it’s a pretty good idea

01:03:31:11 – 01:03:34:08
of knowing what else you can do in different places.

01:03:34:08 – 01:03:36:22
And yeah, sounds really amazing.

01:03:36:22 – 01:03:41:01
Yeah and if you’re looking for a romantic weekend away or you’re looking for

01:03:41:03 – 01:03:43:02
something of adventurous or are you looking for a family

01:03:43:02 – 01:03:47:19
family experience and just and just try and put that together.

01:03:47:21 – 01:03:51:03
That’s a big job. There’s a lot of work to do

01:03:51:05 – 01:03:54:18
and yeah quite a busy person but it’s definitely

01:03:54:18 – 01:03:59:22
that is on the on the list of things that I’d love to expand to.

01:03:59:24 – 01:04:02:20
Yeah I think there’s like so many there’s so many famous

01:04:02:20 – 01:04:06:16
people influencers who are getting gifted holidays and amazing places.

01:04:06:16 – 01:04:10:10
I think that really should be expanded to disbaled people to and disabled influencers,

01:04:10:13 – 01:04:13:14
to gift them the holidays and you know, rather than you having

01:04:13:14 – 01:04:17:03
to use your own money in your resources to trying out these places

01:04:17:03 – 01:04:18:11
to be able to create,

01:04:18:11 – 01:04:23:00
you know, your database of of of options then have companies, go right,

01:04:23:01 – 01:04:23:16
Right. Okay.

01:04:23:16 – 01:04:28:09
We’re going to pay you to come and post about how amazing our venue is.

01:04:28:11 – 01:04:28:22

01:04:28:22 – 01:04:29:24
It shouldn’t be

01:04:29:24 – 01:04:31:12
so shouldn’t be just about

01:04:31:12 – 01:04:34:01
come and stay for free because we want to use your knowledge

01:04:34:01 – 01:04:37:02
and obviously that’s fine as well but also to be Yeah we’re going to,

01:04:37:02 – 01:04:39:01
you know Thomas Cook or whoever it is to offer

01:04:39:01 – 01:04:41:06
these people these amazing holidays, yeah just come

01:04:41:06 – 01:04:43:12
and you can write about the fact that we are accessible

01:04:43:12 – 01:04:46:24
the fact that our pool has a hoist into it, anything like that.

01:04:47:01 – 01:04:49:02
You know, And I think that would also be really good

01:04:49:02 – 01:04:52:05
just because I think so may more people will see it as well.

01:04:52:05 – 01:04:55:05
I think the more that people are able to post about it

01:04:55:05 – 01:04:58:06
with companies like proudly announced that they are accessible,

01:04:58:11 – 01:04:59:07
it was really good as well.

01:04:59:07 – 01:05:01:03
I shouldn’t be up to us

01:05:01:03 – 01:05:05:01
to use our money to explore these places, in a way,

01:05:05:01 – 01:05:06:15
it kind of should be up to the companies

01:05:06:15 – 01:05:09:01
to also go, Hey, you know, we’re going to pay for you

01:05:09:01 – 01:05:11:04
and your and your family or whoever to go on a trip.

01:05:11:04 – 01:05:14:01
And yeah, tell us about accessibility needs.

01:05:14:01 – 01:05:17:18
And then also at the same time, maybe not publicly, but behind the scenes tell us

01:05:17:20 – 01:05:19:11
what could be improved.

01:05:19:11 – 01:05:22:10
I think there should a huge sector of the influencer of market

01:05:22:10 – 01:05:23:16
that could be

01:05:23:16 – 01:05:27:14
could be used for companies to get disabled travelers and

01:05:27:16 – 01:05:31:12
and people to actually get in the door and announce and be proud to know

01:05:31:12 – 01:05:35:07
because they going to get more bookings if they people people know that accessible

01:05:35:07 – 01:05:35:16
as well.

01:05:35:16 – 01:05:37:11
So it’s a win win for them.

01:05:37:11 – 01:05:40:15
Exactly I think I think sometimes

01:05:40:17 – 01:05:41:10
with a lot of

01:05:41:10 – 01:05:45:05
businesses, I think they have such a strong style.

01:05:45:05 – 01:05:49:15
They have such especially these really instagrammable kind of kind of places.

01:05:49:15 – 01:05:51:16
There’s such a strong sense of style.

01:05:51:16 – 01:05:56:06
And I think for some reason they feel that disability doesn’t fit in with that.

01:05:56:08 – 01:06:00:14
And it’s like, but have you been on Instagram and looked

01:06:00:14 – 01:06:02:18
at some of the disabled influencers out there?

01:06:02:18 – 01:06:07:23
I mean, like there are some like stunningly beautiful stylish people

01:06:07:23 – 01:06:13:01
who are like creative and interesting and intelligent and, you know,

01:06:13:03 – 01:06:16:05
and you could be engaging these people and

01:06:16:06 – 01:06:20:02
and as you say, open up to a whole, whole different market.

01:06:20:02 – 01:06:24:10
But yes, I think businesses need to start

01:06:24:12 – 01:06:29:06
doing disability differently, not as something that Yeah,

01:06:29:06 – 01:06:33:09
not something that’s like, well, it’s not really the look that we’re going for.

01:06:33:09 – 01:06:37:23
It’s like, yeah, but it can be if you, you know,

01:06:38:00 – 01:06:41:23
if you, if you make it happen and, and as you say, I think that

01:06:42:00 – 01:06:46:02
it shouldn’t be up to disabled people to use our own money to go

01:06:46:04 – 01:06:49:04
and review these places and put that information out there.

01:06:49:08 – 01:06:53:02
And I don’t think any disabled person should be out of pocket

01:06:53:04 – 01:06:55:20
for any work that they do.

01:06:55:22 – 01:06:56:22
And I think

01:06:56:22 – 01:07:02:04
disabled people deserve to be properly reimbursed for their work as well,

01:07:02:04 – 01:07:07:23
because going away and and doing a review, you know, a free stay is is

01:07:08:00 – 01:07:12:15
is fantastic and for a lot of people that that would be

01:07:12:17 – 01:07:13:06

01:07:13:06 – 01:07:15:09
But at the end of the day, it doesn’t pay the bills.

01:07:15:09 – 01:07:18:19
And for some people this is a this is a career and

01:07:18:21 – 01:07:23:11
and as we all know, that disability is is an expensive thing.

01:07:23:13 – 01:07:27:04
So to be properly reimbursed for the putting the work and

01:07:27:06 – 01:07:31:22
and giving such valuable feedback and advertising, promotion.

01:07:31:22 – 01:07:33:12
You know it’s a whole package

01:07:33:12 – 01:07:38:24
that that should be looked at as as a job not as a as a favor.

01:07:39:01 – 01:07:39:10

01:07:39:10 – 01:07:43:00
I feel like if I saw, you know, disabled influencer or someone

01:07:43:05 – 01:07:46:01
of high profile on Instagram, a creator etc

01:07:46:03 – 01:07:47:17
with a disability, posting about

01:07:47:17 – 01:07:52:02
somewhere amazing that’s accessible, I’d be far more likely to book that holiday

01:07:52:04 – 01:07:56:07
than if I saw an ex LoveIsland person or whatever

01:07:56:08 – 01:08:00:12
I wouldn’t be interested, but actually seeing someone with first hand experience

01:08:00:12 – 01:08:02:15
of knowing that it really would be okay

01:08:02:15 – 01:08:05:04
to be far more likely to be like, wow, actually, yeah.

01:08:05:04 – 01:08:08:21
And seeing, seeing how someone with a disability

01:08:08:23 – 01:08:12:10
like portrays and represents the venue through

01:08:12:10 – 01:08:16:03
photos of things through their own eyes, because it’s a different perspective as well.

01:08:16:03 – 01:08:16:18
So definitely

01:08:16:18 – 01:08:22:01
I think it is a missed trick out there anyone who’s in big company.

01:08:22:03 – 01:08:22:18
But no, definitely.

01:08:22:18 – 01:08:26:01
I think that also the fact that disabled people, we want to go on holiday,

01:08:26:01 – 01:08:30:00
we want to travel and whether that’s just within our own country

01:08:30:00 – 01:08:33:00
if that’s because flying is not an option

01:08:33:04 – 01:08:36:11
or if it is abroad to amazing places, we still want to travel, there’s no reason

01:08:36:11 – 01:08:40:16
that we don’t have that same desire for a holiday to visit, places to travel,

01:08:40:16 – 01:08:44:08
to explore new experiences, new cultures, but just the same as everybody else

01:08:44:08 – 01:08:45:17
in that aspect.

01:08:45:17 – 01:08:48:22
And I guess the reason why people don’t is because of access

01:08:48:24 – 01:08:52:23
and because of the lack of information available, the lack of awareness.

01:08:53:00 – 01:08:57:06
So yeah, we want to travel and we want to explore places just as much

01:08:57:06 – 01:08:59:02
as everybody else.

01:08:59:02 – 01:09:02:11
Agreed. I always say that the biggest barrier to travel

01:09:02:11 – 01:09:06:17
for me is lack of information, that that is the biggest

01:09:06:19 – 01:09:09:19
barrier is just the lack of information there.

01:09:09:19 – 01:09:12:11
But just quickly on the

01:09:12:11 – 01:09:16:09
you know, on influencers sharing about their holidays,

01:09:16:14 – 01:09:21:04
I think one thing that we can do as disabled people is really support

01:09:21:06 – 01:09:23:03
other people who are sharing these kind of things

01:09:23:03 – 01:09:25:22
there’s a great community of disabled travel bloggers,

01:09:25:22 – 01:09:29:00
and if we’re all making sure that we’re going in and commenting, liking, saying

01:09:29:05 – 01:09:32:05
well done, this is amazing because the more engagement

01:09:32:09 – 01:09:34:23
that happens on these post, the more likely these businesses

01:09:34:23 – 01:09:37:23
are to continue engaging disabled people.

01:09:37:24 – 01:09:40:20
We need to make sure that they realize that there’s that some

01:09:40:20 – 01:09:44:14
an audience out there in the market.

01:09:44:16 – 01:09:44:23

01:09:44:23 – 01:09:45:10
And that

01:09:45:10 – 01:09:48:10
it’s actually content that we want to see as well

01:09:48:14 – 01:09:50:13
and we want to see those people travel to different places.

01:09:50:13 – 01:09:52:05
And definitely I think we as a very good point

01:09:52:05 – 01:09:55:23
to support those, seeing those posts and supporting them because

01:09:56:00 – 01:09:57:06
the more interaction they get then

01:09:57:06 – 01:09:59:09
the more that these companies will go actually it its worthwhile

01:09:59:09 – 01:10:04:20
and clearly disabled people obviously are interested in that because they

01:10:04:22 – 01:10:05:20
don’t think that we actually are,

01:10:05:20 – 01:10:09:24
but even if we don’t travel ourselves is still lovely

01:10:09:24 – 01:10:12:24
we still enjoy seeing, you know, other people

01:10:12:24 – 01:10:16:02
traveling and seeing, you know, pictures of beautiful places on Instagram.

01:10:16:05 – 01:10:18:00
Things we still enjoy consuming.

01:10:18:00 – 01:10:20:06
Yeah, yeah, definitely.

01:10:20:06 – 01:10:21:17
Yeah, yeah.

01:10:21:17 – 01:10:25:04
So this has been really great, to finish up what would you say is the

01:10:25:06 – 01:10:29:14
the main thing overall that will still needs to be improved in

01:10:29:14 – 01:10:33:08
terms of accessible travel whether that be accommodation or

01:10:33:10 – 01:10:39:03
and what sort of the main thing is still needs to be worked on and improved.

01:10:39:05 – 01:10:42:05
I think it is that information I think it is

01:10:42:11 – 01:10:45:18
making sure that that information is

01:10:45:20 – 01:10:49:18
is out there and is provided by the people,

01:10:49:18 – 01:10:52:15
providing the service, by the accommodation,

01:10:52:15 – 01:10:55:15
the by the restaurants, and that should become

01:10:55:18 – 01:10:58:21
normalized across the industry is that, you know,

01:10:58:22 – 01:11:01:22
as I said earlier, you know, you can find out that they provide

01:11:02:03 – 01:11:04:14
poo bags and biscuits for your dog, but you can’t find out

01:11:04:14 – 01:11:05:20
if you can get in the building.

01:11:05:20 – 01:11:09:21
And so it’s really important

01:11:09:23 – 01:11:11:05
to put

01:11:11:05 – 01:11:14:13
more importance on on accessibility.

01:11:14:13 – 01:11:18:13
And I think it’s great to find out that I get biscuits for my dogs when I get there

01:11:18:15 – 01:11:22:04
and what kind of hand towels

01:11:22:04 – 01:11:26:11
they provide and have they got a hairdryer, all that stuff you know is is great we need that info.

01:11:26:13 – 01:11:29:23
But I think we need to make sure that as part of that

01:11:30:00 – 01:11:33:13
that frequently asked questions stuff that there is accessibility info and

01:11:33:15 – 01:11:37:20
and you know a lot of places offer accessible rooms but they’re not

01:11:37:24 – 01:11:41:11
they don’t mention that on the site and I think God you’re missing out on on

01:11:41:12 – 01:11:43:10
marketing is a it’s beneficial to everyone.

01:11:43:10 – 01:11:48:01
It’s beneficial for the businesses and and for the customers.

01:11:48:03 – 01:11:54:03
So I think yeah definitely a stronger

01:11:54:05 – 01:11:56:11
stress on the on

01:11:56:11 – 01:11:59:09
providing accessibility information.

01:11:59:09 – 01:12:03:09
Yeah as I sure do Also I would say to them time on a day to day basis

01:12:03:11 – 01:12:05:03
if they just had it all written down already

01:12:05:03 – 01:12:08:23
rather than having to answer emails or phone calls, you know, each time saying

01:12:08:23 – 01:12:10:02
We have this, no we don’t have that.

01:12:10:02 – 01:12:12:19
And to have that statement and I think even goes

01:12:12:19 – 01:12:16:20
beyond the individual places themselves, even in places like Airbnb

01:12:16:20 – 01:12:20:13
and Booking.com, for example and that it should be a requirement

01:12:20:13 – 01:12:23:20
that on every listing there should be a space for

01:12:23:22 – 01:12:27:21
the accessibility statement or for there to be some form of explanation

01:12:27:21 – 01:12:31:12
or or just to get information to make that standard.

01:12:31:12 – 01:12:36:19
So people do have to fill it out and it is there, that it should be policy.

01:12:36:21 – 01:12:37:16
Yeah, I agree.

01:12:37:16 – 01:12:39:12
I agree with that with that idea.

01:12:39:12 – 01:12:41:15
With Airbnb in particular

01:12:41:15 – 01:12:44:14
I think it’s frustrating scrolling through and trying to find that

01:12:44:14 – 01:12:48:12
you find the odd one that maybe if you go on Airbnb and you filter by

01:12:48:13 – 01:12:54:03
any any accessibility criteria in Scotland I think like two places come up

01:12:54:05 – 01:12:57:15
this like you know there are more accessible places

01:12:57:15 – 01:12:59:06
in the places that might be

01:12:59:06 – 01:13:01:07
and might not consider themselves accessible, but,

01:13:01:07 – 01:13:03:12
you know, there might be a person who can manage three steps

01:13:03:12 – 01:13:05:06
that can’t manage a flight of stairs.

01:13:05:06 – 01:13:08:06
So you need to be saying that’s three steps into the building, you know.

01:13:08:13 – 01:13:10:10
Yeah, definitely.

01:13:10:10 – 01:13:11:22
Yeah. Well this has been really really great.

01:13:11:22 – 01:13:12:08
Thank you so much

01:13:12:08 – 01:13:16:05
for sparing your time to chat and to reach out in the first place.

01:13:16:05 – 01:13:19:20
I think this has been really good conversation, loads of tips and advice

01:13:19:20 – 01:13:22:02
and just really great general chat about the topic.

01:13:22:02 – 01:13:24:06
And it is important as we’ve discovered

01:13:24:06 – 01:13:26:21
through our conversation, that people want to travel,

01:13:26:21 – 01:13:28:08
that it should be accessible,

01:13:28:08 – 01:13:31:02
that there are places out there that actually are doing it right

01:13:31:02 – 01:13:34:08
and that are okay to people to be able to to go on holiday to.

01:13:34:08 – 01:13:37:12
So thank you very much for coming on the podcast

01:13:37:12 – 01:13:41:07
has been lovely to talk to you, to meet you today and yeah thank you.

01:13:41:07 – 01:13:43:12
Thank you for having me It’s been it’s been really good

01:13:43:12 – 01:13:45:01
And I say I’m really passionate about Scotland

01:13:45:01 – 01:13:48:08
and there is a lot out there in Scotland for disabled people.

01:13:48:08 – 01:13:51:08
Great. Yeah, definitely. Thank you so much.

01:13:51:12 – 01:13:55:03
Thank you.

01:13:55:05 – 01:13:57:09
See you.



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